
attention pnms


Ignore all the sunshine that our friends from Panhellenic are trying to push down your throat on this site and others. The truth is not every sorority is good or worth joining. Some should have been closed down years ago to make way for new sororities or allow for expansion of existing successful ones. These girls touting all houses regardless of reputation are determined to keep the sinking ships afloat at your expense.

Joining a sorority is probably one of the most important decisions of your life. It's up there with where you go to college, your career path and who you marry. You shouldn't settle for anything and you deserve the best opportunity for a sorority experience available. Please take a hard look at your options during rush and if the right opportunity doesn't present itself, consider not boarding a sinking ship.

Have a great rush!

Posted By: TTG
Page 2 of 9

no actual kappa would post stuff that makes their house look so insane. come on. next.

By: lmfao
by: Interesting   

A Kappa who is insane would post stuff like that. I'm sure their President will be snuffing this out, shortly.

By: Interesting

I know for a fact the older women who are posting are fakes. Kappa alumni are specifically banned from posting on this site or other similar ones.

Clearly this Pi Phi or Theta try to make Kappa look bad. If only they attempted this much effort to improve their own reputations rather than trying to bring others down with them.

Sorry girls, you are going to have to work much harder to take the shine off of Kappa.

By: Real Kappa
by: Interesting   

News flash! No sorority can ban an alum from posting anything. They can discourage it, but not ban someone. Also, logistically, it would be virtually impossible to police alums from posting.

Instead of wasting your time defending Kappa, I think you're better off finding out who TTG ("clever" name, by the way) is and getting her off this board. Focus on the source of your problem, not the people calling attention to it.

By: Interesting

Your members and alumni are making your house look really bad on the internet

By: Attention Kappa

Nice try DG

By: lol

Ahhhh. Both "lol" and "Attention DG" are making Kappa look worse. Job well done. Actually, I'm not in a house, but my boyfriend is. One of his buddies thought this was hilarious and we figured out TTG was a Kappa. Don't need a lot of brain cells to do that.

So........instead of making your situation worse, just keep TTG off the boards. And with all sincerity, get the girl some help. She clearly has a personality disorder and may break at any point.

By: Interesting
by: haha   

hi dg again

By: haha

Oh, and one other thing, don't knock our older alums. They are quite a bit wiser than you knuckleheads.

By: Interesting

God loves Kappa. If Jesus was in a frat he would of only hung out with Kappas. Sorry that you are jealous, but be warned jealousy is a sin.

By: so
by: Huh?   

Trying hard to be funny = not funny. Leave it to the pros.

Envy, not jealousy, is one of the seven deadly sins. Envy and jealousy are 2 completely different things.

By: Huh?

Nothing wrong with what TTG has to say. It's an opinion and people need to grow up. You don't have to agree with her, just cut her some slack...

By: Hello

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Why should anyone cut TTG "some slack?" She never cuts anyone else any slack and is very patronizing to all on this board, including her own "sisters," the Kappa alums, who give contributions/gifts/$ to the house to continue to make it look nice and well maintained. Truly, her posts are embarrassing and horrific. Looks like KKG finally shut this TTG girl down-- and maybe TTG is finally spending the summer with all her elite sisters and the elite frats, she says are her within her special realm.

By: Well now
by: haha   

What a joke, we don't even know that TTG is a kappa. That's just a guess. The only person who said they are a kappa on this board is the woman who came on and said that the house youre in DOESNT matter for the rest of your life. Everyone is just pretending to be people from other houses. This is just embarrassing.

By: haha

TTG is a Kappa for sure. She's been warned to stay off.

By: Lolzer

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