
did your letters of rec/legacy matter?


If you had letters of rec, did you end up getting into the house they were for? (Or if you had letters to multiple houses, did it help with those houses keeping you as the week went on?) Also, if someone wants to write you a letter of rec, what kind of information should you give them to write it?

What about legacy? If you had one, did that house seem to keep you longer during the rush process?

Posted By: Fall '13 Rush
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I got into the house that I was legacy at.

By: sorority
by: Fall '13 Rush   

Do you mind saying what house that was? I'm just trying to get a feel for where legacy matters

By: Fall '13 Rush
by: panhelleniclove   

I personally know girls that got in as legacies to: Delta Gamma, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Phi, Pi Beta Phi and Delta Delta Delta.

But keep in mind they also have to like you as a person. I also know legacies that did not get into the houses their family member was affiliated with. Just because you're a legacy doesn't mean you shouldn't try during rush.

By: panhelleniclove

I had a rec and letter of support to every house. I furnished a photo, resume, and high school transcript to the sorority alumnae writing the recs and letters. My hometown Panhellenic Alumnae Assoc. is very organized and they had a meeting explaining recruitment to the PNMs. But, I know girls who didn't have recs going in and they had a great rush, so I don't know if all of that even mattered. I was dropped after convo round to 2 houses. I am a legacy and ended up in my legacy house. It was my favorite, anyway. I wouldn't list your legacy info to any other house besides the legacy chapter. I wouldn't put it on the USC registration form either. All chapters see this info and I've been told that other chapters may just cut you based on legacy status especially if it's a "top" chapter. Really only the legacy chapter needs to know this. I'll be on the other side this year, so maybe it will make sense to me.

By: '12 pledge
by: goinggreek   

I didn't even think about this! How can you make sure only the legacy house sees it?

By: goinggreek
by: Legacy info   

All sororities have legacy introduction forms either on their own rec forms or a special form. List that info on the legacy form, but omit legacy info on the USC Recruitment registration form. When other sorority alumnae write you recs, don't tell them you're a legacy to a different chapter or politely ask that they leave that info off their form. There is no guarantee your legacy chapter will give you a bid especially since some chapters have a lot of legacies going through. I honestly think legacy status should ONLY matter to your legacy chapter.

By: Legacy info

Being a legacy got me invited back to my legacy chapter for house tours, after which I was unceremoniously dropped, which I was fine with, as we weren't a good match.

I don't know if my letters of rec helped me, but they certainly didn't hurt. If nothing else, they get you on that house's radar before you even meet them.

By: WentGreek

Which house were you a legacy at?

By: hm

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I had two letters of rec to a house and they didn't even take me back for the second round. So, not sure

By: alphabetagamma

I was a direct legacy (mom/gma) at 2 houses, but a legacy of some sort (aunts) at every single house except two that I dropped the first day anyway. I had letters of rec from those family members for all houses.

The only house that dropped me was Theta, (cut after house tours). I would have been an awful fit there, good heavens. Ended up joining a house I am a direct legacy at.

By: x

On your letters of rec, include information that you think the sororities would find interesting. Each national sorority has a different form, but try thinking about these things: Are you a leader? Have any special talents that you are continuing throughout college?
A really good letter of rec would give the impression that you would be an amazing and needed asset to the chapter.

By: panhelleniclove

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