
the great debate


DG v. Kappa, and then Pi Phi v. Alpha Phi. These houses are always pitted against each other and flip-flopped in rankings, so let's settle this once and for all.
If you were rushing and had DG and Kappa left, which one would you pref? What about if you had Pi Phi and Alpha Phi left? And why?

Posted By: realranking
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theres no real debate here. its OBVIOUS DG goes before kappa. kappa had a joke rush this year HAHA. they had to hand out snap bids...

and as for pi phi vs alpha phi, APhi is the winner and ranked higher especially after the past two pledge classes.

By: current
by: yawn   

go away dg

By: yawn
by: ...   

This person is either jealous or trolling, no one thinks this.

By: ...
by: um   

this isn't even true

By: um
by: @current   

yep-- DG over KKG

but THETA over Alpha Phi

By: @current
by: no haha   

it's Kappa>DG for anyone who's not a DG obsessed w/ this site

By: no haha

I'm rushing in the fall, and if i were given kappa/dg, I would choose Kappa over DG, i think they're name just is a lot more prestigious.

If I were left with Pi Phi and Alpha Phi, I would choose Alpha Phi, because I hear bad things about pi phi's reputation and guys don't respect them as much

By: Rushee

I'm a guy, but my little sister is rushing this fall and if given the choice, I would absolutely want my sister to pick Kappa over DG. There's no question about it. Date a DG, marry a Kappa. The girls are equally fun and popular in both houses, but there's definitely one big difference: classiness.

And, again, if it were my sister, I'd pick Alpha Phi over Pi Phi for her. Although if it were me personally, I think I'd have a little more fun in Pi Phi.

By: ...

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im rushing this year and it's def KAPPA>DG and APHI>PI PHI

By: rushing

Even though I like DG more personally, I think they run their organization perfectly, Kappa is better nationally. So I'd pick Kappa.

And in between APhi and Pi Phi, I would chose APhi because I know girls in both houses and I like the ones in APhi better. Not meaning to be rude.

By: @PNM

DG v. Kappa: DG rushes the girls based on their looks, personalities, accomplishments. Kappa rushes the girls based on their family background, ie. $$$$MONEY$$$$ (that's probably why big brother wants sista to rush KKG, so he can land a rich wife and not have to work). Kappa is more exclusive, but I think DG has more stand-outs.

Alpha Phi v. Pi Phi: Alpha Phi rushes the girls based on enthusiasm to be a Alpha Phi. Pi Phi rushes based on perceived partiers.

I actually think more girls end up at DG/Theta pref night and Kappa/Pi Phi pref night.

Also, why isn't Theta on here? I think they should be in this mix.

By: @real ranking
by: @above   

Actually, as much as I want to agree to this, that's not true. Sororities during rush aren't allowed to ask what houses the other girls go to. A girl I know got in trouble for dirty rushing for asking questions like that.

By: @above
by: @above   

Not so true... On pref night, DG asked which house I was going to after...

By: @above
by: @above   

Houses aren't supposed to ask, but that doesn't mean girls don't ask or tell. It happened to me at pref, too. And I politely declined to answer and I still got a bid from that house. If you go to a house on pref night, you're somewhere on that house's bid list. For most houses, if you're a legacy, you'll be at the top of their bid list.

By: @above

I'd pref DG over Kappa because DG is more involved on the row and campus. Kappas are more into themselves and only certain frats. They're both TOP houses, though, so be grateful if that's your choice! It's a win/win

Between Pi Phi/APhi, I'd pref Pi Phi HANDS DOWN! Pi Phi had a rough couple of years, but I think they are making a come back and they're a lot of fun and really outgoing. APhi acts like they have to prove something -- they just bug me!

AND agreed, Theta would be another great choice. I would pref Theta over Pi Phi or APhi, but not over DG or Kappa.

BTW: I'm a rising sophomore girl who didn't go through recruitment because my major takes too much time.

By: @current
by: LOL   

"Kappa is too superficial for me, but a lot of people at SC like that, too. DGs seem more real to me."



by: @@current   

That's fair and it's your opinion, but I know girls who pledged Pi Phi last semester who didn't like where they were.(One overheard an older girl bashing the new pledge, which made her really uncomfortable) You find that in every house. I know more than one girl in Kappa who dropped this year. It's everywhere. Though honestly, I feel DG seems to keep a great majority of their girls. Or at least I haven't met a pledge that dropped for anything but maybe financial. DG and Theta are solid when it comes to that.

So agree to disagree? Haha

By: @@current
by: ??   

No one dropped kappa or dg this year...

By: ??
by: yeah...   

i know at least one in kappa...

By: yeah...
by: um   

anyone who dropped kappa or dg was for financial reasons

By: um
by: ..   

to the posters above: people have dropped dg and kappa for reasons other than money... that's ridiculous statement

By: ..

In reply to "@realrankkng", I didn't list Theta because I feel as though most people agree with "@current" when she said, "AND agreed, Theta would be another great choice. I would pref Theta over Pi Phi or APhi, but not over DG or Kappa."
I didn't list Theta because it's a top house for sure, but it doesn't compete for THE top position the way DG v. Kappa does. It's such a solid house that you hardly ever hear about it being pitted against another house in ranking. You do sometimes but it's not that often.

By: realranking

I feel like Theta isn't listed on here because its unique and doesn't have any real competition. Its higher than APhi and Pi Phi, but lower than DG/Kappa and attracts a different set then most of them.

By: theta

This is absolutely ridiculous you guys. Be happy with what you have. My goodness.

Who are we to judge groups of hundreds of girls?

By: yep

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