
what are the real sorority rankings here?


What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
Page 4 of 16

oh pi phi go away so yawn

By: hohum

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alpha phi

pi phi
tri delt
gamma phi beta


By: hohum
by: lol   

at alpha phi !
pi phi/alpha phi
tri delt/adpi
axo/gamma phi

By: lol
by: @hohum   


pi phi



By: @hohum
by: to above above   

this is correct if its about the pledge classes but not rankings

By: to above above

If I had to pair all 10 up:

Kappa/DG obviously, but with Kappa edging out slightly. DG's PC is mediocre but they weren't capped
Theta/Pi Phi, the fallen top 4...will probably both be upper middle next year
APhi/Tridelt upper middle...APhi and Tridelt are very similar but one is happy where they are and the other's a bunch of delusional social climbers...
ADPi/SDT the nice girls, average-to-cute looking, ADPi ranked higher with more girls but both similar "types"
AXO/GPhi very bottom, AXO nice/awkward and good PC but for how long will that last? GPhi sinking fast and bitter

By: Pairs

When you're a top top house like DG and Kappa, the number of PNMs invited back for preference is determined by an algorithm which is not controlled by the houses, but by Panhellenic. Kappa and DG had the best return rate, therefore they had the least number of invites to give out for Preference. To infer that not enough PNMs wanted Kappa this year is ludicrous. Many, many, many more PNMs were dropped by Kappa than most other houses. IF the rumor here is true and Kappa didn't make quota, is was a failure or quirk of the algorithm, not because they're weren't enough girls who wanted Kappa. Fact is that most of the new members of PiPhi, APhi and some of Theta would have preferred Kappa if given the chance but were dropped. Hello!!!!

By: Hello2012
by: @hello2012   

Okay, so why did this quirky or or failed algorithm not also affect DG, Miss Panhellenic-Know -It -All? You're so obvi a Kappa who is scrambling to find excuses. "Fact is most of the new members of Pi Phi, Alpha Phi and some of Theta would have preferred Kappa if given the chance but were dropped." Hello to YOU-- maybe you shouldn't have dropped so many girls. OR, maybe the PNM's just didn't like YOU and chose another house over Kappa. And I'm sick of seeing Alpha Phi and Pi Phi slammed here and Gamma Phi rated so low here, I've got friends in all three houses, they're great! This top 4 mentality is so petty and so high school ("I'm great and you suck"-- there are terrific girls and not so great girls in ALL the houses). Panhellenic love, everybody.

By: @hello2012
by: @@hello2012   

If you knew ANYTHING about the way Panhellenic and recruitment works, you'd know that the number of PNMs that ANY house drops (and yes this includes Alpha Phi and Pi Phi) is NOT controlled by the individual houses, but by PANHELLENIC according to a mathematical algorithm they use which is based on the return rate of each house. FACT: Kappa and DG had fewer PNMs at preference than any other sorority because they were FORCED by Panhellenic to DROP MORE than any other sorority, based on their return rate. NO HOUSE HAS CONTROL OVER HOW MANY PNMS THEY DROP DURING RUSH. Got it????

By: @@hello2012

girls get over it
rush is over
time to move on
top four still top four
the end.

go spend your time trying to help out the row get off probation which effects ALL OF US

By: get over it

So you had to drop girls (because Panhellenic forced you to do that, because of numbers and algorithms) but when everything shook out, you wished you'd kept more of the girls you dropped. Apparently lots of the girls you did choose to keep didn't want YOU and chose other houses. I got it!!!

By: @@@Hello2012

So you had to drop girls (because Panhellenic forced you to do that, because of numbers and algorithms) but when everything shook out, you wished you'd kept more of the girls you dropped. Apparently lots of the girls you did choose to keep didn't want YOU and chose other houses. I got it!!! Plus you never addressed why this algorithm didn't also affect DG. I'm a senior and have seen a lot.

By: @@@Hello2012

Elite Daily listed DG, Kappa, Theta, and Pi Phi (in that order) but did say "Pi Phi has slipped a little in recent years." "The top four sororities at USC have always been the top four, and are likely to remain as such far into the foreseeable future," as quoted from the article. Check it out!

By: Elite Daily

Top four listed as DG, Kappa, Pi Phi, and Theta in article on USC at www.betcheslovethis.com. Check it out.

By: The facts

This is 100% honest as someone who rushed this year but dropped
1. Kappa/DG
2. Theta
3. APhi
4. Pi phi
5. DDD
6. Adpi
7-10 pretty much tied.

By: Truth

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