
what are the real sorority rankings here?

by: Haylie

What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
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Page 2 of 16
#11  by: hahaha   

Kappa is still one of the top houses, but it definitely does not have one of the top 2012 PCs. Stop kidding yourself.

By: hahaha
#12  by: Reality Check   

I think I figured out why Kappa's PC 12 isn't so good. The last "not so good" PC they had was PC '09. Most were average to non-attractive girls with only a couple of good looking ones. PC '09 probably wasn't too friendly to the good-looking PNMs and ended up driving them away.

Lesson to learn: If you want your house to stay at the top, don't let your own envy and competitiveness bring the house down.

By: Reality Check
by: You Are a FoolSep 10, 2012 6:41:24 PM

This is the most moronic statement ever.

By: You Are a Fool
#13  by: Hahaha!   

Alpha Phi is NOT a top house and are definitely below Pi Phi and Theta.

Real Rankings:
Kappa, DG, Pi Phi, Theta (and hanging by a thread)

Tri Delt, Alpha Phi, AD Pi

SDT, AXO, Gamma Phi

By: Hahaha!
#14  by: its pretty obvious   

all these hatter comments are from ADPI. not even close to the best pledge class. DG Kappa and Theta did the best. DG and Kappa had the highest return rates throughout rush and thus were able to be more selective in their final PC and didn't end up with a huge PC (filled with a lot of weirdos) like other houses. Basically nothing really changed in terms of house order from this rush and the top four are still the top four.

By: its pretty obvious
by: fact checkSep 9, 2012 12:42:51 AM

kappa got capped and we all know it

By: fact check
by: Numbers SchmumbersSep 10, 2012 2:44:13 AM

If they did they're probably thankful! They still got well over 65 new members...

By: Numbers Schmumbers
by: factSep 16, 2012 5:07:01 AM

Kappa did not get capped, pi phi got capped at a pledge class of 50 while everyone else got well over 80+ members. Kappa/AXO did not make quota and had to give out snap bids, which is worse than getting capped imo

By: fact
#15  by: No   

Have remained silent for a while, but this is just too much! People ranking SDT before it's even set where they are, member-wise. People ranking Gamma Phi in lower tier, when they are solid middle tier! Not right, stop it, Recruitment was grueling, as always, but is now over, be happy with what you got and stop bashing other houses! When you read what people posted about individual houses, its even worse.Time for some Panhellenic love!

By: No
#16  by: Fiona   

This whole labling and judging of young women is cruel! Why would anyone want to be involved?

By: Fiona
#17  by: In my opinion   

I may get some hate for this, but this is how I see it. I'm mainly taking into account last years and this years rush.

1- Kappa (I don't think anyone is disputing this, they rush very well and make you feel great in their house, but more catty than DG)
1- DG (great tradition at SC)
3- Pi Phi (gorgeous girls in my opinion)
4-Theta (last year was rough. this year was not good enough to be maintaining that top 4 mentality)
5- Tri Delt (very fun girls with a bit of everything)
5- A Phi (same comment as Tri Delt)
7. ADPi (awesome girls, just not as adept at rush as some of the others; they get a lot of mismatched PNMs, hence why last year was so big of a PC)
8. GPhi (again, some of the sweetest girls youll meet, sisterhood seems strong with the girls i know in the house)

By: In my opinion
by: huhJan 6, 2013 3:29:24 AM

Why is pi phi above theta?

By: huh
by: That'sJan 24, 2013 6:28:08 PM

Because Pi Phi had a way hotter pledge class than Theta... it's just true

By: That's
by: go away pi phiJan 25, 2013 6:00:00 PM

no pi phi did NOT have a hotter pledge class than theta. PLEASEEEEEEE. HAHAHAHA

By: go away pi phi
by: UhhhMay 8, 2013 11:43:52 PM

Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahhaa hhahaha pi phi oh god.

By: Uhhh
#18  by: RealityCheck!   





By: RealityCheck!
by: Row personJun 10, 2015 7:49:33 PM

Yes accurate thank you

By: Row person
#19  by: Okay   

"Reality check" has the tiers about right, for those that think this is cosmically important. I don't like the whole tier idea, though, as it totally diminishes individual girls who are labelled by their house's reputation. And even within the tiers, "Reality Check" set forth, everyone has their own opinion, for example, some may think Theta is great, others like Pi Phi better. Some may not like either Kappa or DG,but will pref one if invited, because of their reps, and even though there are lots of negative perceptions of both. Some may like GPhi over ADPI or Tri- Delt. All the houses have something to offer, and the whole status thing has spiraled out of control. As a senior, I'm sick of all pettiness of Row politics and Row douchie-ness .While some of the row stuff has been fun and I have friends in many houses, I'm done with this high school mentality and am looking forward to "real life." Good luck to all!

By: Okay
#20  by: AFTER RUSH   

I believe this is the NEW ranking after rush and seeing the new pledge classes:


Alpha Phi/ Kappa



With the large number of girls rushing, the sororities are honestly more equal now.. there is no clear line ranking. An example being how Kappa couldnt make quota becuase not enough girls wanted them and how ADPI, Gamma Phi took 80 + girls. This new year is shaking things up a bit ....

by: hahaSep 12, 2012 9:58:25 PM

obviously written by a pi phi. none cares how many girls you got most of them are super weird. sorry.

By: haha
by: Joke?Sep 13, 2012 2:25:59 PM

This is Obvi a pi phi. You are wayyyy down that list. They best houses are now kappa , dg, theta, aphi . You have been knocked down the list, and next time don't make it blatantly obvious what house you are in. Also, hilarious you would put kappa and aphi at the bottom. That's a joke.

By: Joke?
by: Go away Sep 16, 2012 5:10:26 AM

Pi phi go away. Everyone knows you dropped the ball in rush this year

By: Go away
by: 2012Nov 28, 2012 5:24:14 PM

pi phi is not top

By: 2012

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