
lxa rejects end up at what houses?

by: Just wondering

LXA having probably the highest standards is known as one of the most exclusive fraternities at USC. I understand that over 90% of the Rushees of LXA are not offered bids so end up at their 2nd 3rd, 6th choice. What houses do most of the rejects from LXA end up at? This is my list just from my observations seeing "try hard" rushees that we did not bid and later seeing them at other houses PC.
1. Phi Psi
2. TKE

I understand TKE and PHI PSI have more members of their house that wanted to be LXA than TKE or PHI PSI! Any others out there that were not offered bids from LXA that had to settle for your 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 20th choice? Please chime in and let me know what house you had to settle for.

Posted By: Just wondering
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#1  by: Went real top tier   

I wanted to be a lambda chi but apparently you guys wouldn't give me a bid because I wasn't g-ay enough

By: Went real top tier
#2  by: PHI PSI   

This is the sad truth I wanted to get a bid so bad from Lambda Chi but they didn't give me one so I did get a bid from my second choice Phi Psi. The OP is speaking the truth that over 50% of our house had LXA as our first choice but for whatever reason we did not make the cut. During our meetings we try to find out find what LXA is doing and we try to emulate them.
We are trying to form our own identy so we all decided to start wearing skin tight body hugging black pants and tight designer t-shirts with retro Vanilla Ice" haircuts. I think it is working and we want to get the reputation as the "Justin Beaver" frat at USC.

#3  by: TKE   

TKE should be #1 ahead of Phi Psi! I bet at least 90% of us had LXA as our first choice to get a bid. WE SHOULD BE #1 ahead of Phi Psi. That poll is inaccurate it should read.

Top rejects from LXA.

1. TKE

We are #1!

by: Sorry Tke!May 8, 2016 12:59:32 PM

everyone knows you only take guys from outside of California so you aren't close to competing with Lambda chi.

By: Sorry Tke!
#4  by: Nice try   

This whole thing is lambda chi trying to feel better about themselves

By: Nice try
#5  by: Hard Cold Facts   

I am proud I didn't get a bid from lambda chi. A couple of years ago they were a top house. Now they suck and everyone knows it. Truly sad this sweet pants kid has to come on GR and try to convince people the opposite of what they know is the truth.

By: Hard Cold Facts
by: TOP TIERMay 10, 2016 1:47:47 AM

Do you know which of the top 3 fraternities are paired with the top 3 sororities? I know of 2 of the houses but can't remember the third. That should tell you the top 3 fraternities because it is the same top 3 sororities that arenpaired with the top 3 fraternities. I know one of the fraternities is Sigma Chi and the other I am pretty sure is Phi Psi but I can't exactly remember the other one but its the same 3 fraternities and the same 3 sororities so definately no one has pushed anyone out of the top 3. Do you know who that 3rd fraternity is I know they have been in the top 3 for decades, I think they are paired with DG. I will remember they are like the top ranked house at USC.

by: DGMay 11, 2016 3:24:45 PM

DG has paired with LXA and since we are the # 1 sorority it comes to reason LXA is the #1 fraternity.

By: DG
#6  by: Lambda Chi Active   

They never gave me a bid but I got in anyway. I just kept coming to the Lambda Chi pledge meetings which last two nights. Then they made a full member the next day. It was easy and fast!

By: Lambda Chi Active
by: Real manMay 10, 2016 1:07:48 AM

You must be "soft" and a real wuss to have joined LXA. Real men join a fraternity with a real pledgeship like PHI PSI TKE, PIKE. You are not in a "real" fraternity until you have bee naked with your brothers having a race to see which group can put on and take off some womens lace panties in the fastest time. You will not know true brotherhood until you are able to hold your brothers junk naked in front of you while your naked brother holds your junk in the elephant walk, That is true brotherhood. We used to have to go to craigslist under the man seeking man section but now we can prove our brotherhood by getting naked and consumating our man to man "brotherhood"

By: Real man
by: Oh Sweet PantsMay 10, 2016 8:12:23 AM

I hope when you post on craigslist don't say you're in a frat. That would we a lie...

By: Oh Sweet Pants
by: TKEMay 10, 2016 2:38:26 PM

If you can't get a bid from LXA you should try our house we blanket bid everyone that walks though our door, We need to do that before they get to the PIKE house because PIKE does the same thing, they blanket bid anyone that walks though the door and we want to choose the LEFTOVER rushees before PIKE gets ahold of them.


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