
delta chi and delta tau delta


I'm on this website a lot, and I always see these two frats paired together in rankings. Never anywhere higher than middle tier or upper middle at best. I've been to both of their houses for parties which were fine, and the guys seem chill, so why are they not ranked higher? I guess I'm just curious about how a house moves up when house like these (which seem perfectly decent) can't go anywhere.

Posted By: Confused
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Because the houses that are higher are the ones that have been on campus with a good reputation the longest. Some of the up and coming houses are also great. I'd suggest checking out AGR or Pike!

By: Honest
by: G   

You Pikes need to relax, you're not good and never will be.

By: G

Maybe AGR but not Pike

By: No
by: ExcuseYou   

Both houses are great. Don't hate on Pike because I doubt you've been there and actually hung out with the brothers.

By: ExcuseYou
by: Please   

Actually, I have been to Pike more than once and had horrible times each time. Creeped out too much each time.

By: Please

DCHI>DELTS any day. not even a question. and throw pike out of the question completely.

By: duh

The rankings on here are a complete joke haha. It's anonymous self rankings. Talk to a few people different houses and see what they say (preferably good houses).

By: Soph

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