
sorority descriptions


Saw the Frat Description thread on here and thought it looked really detailed and honest, at least from an incoming freshman perspective. Could someone do one for the sororities, like a detailed description of each in the same fashion that the frat thread was done?

Posted By: vabiology34
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Sororitys you don't need as much of a prior opinion before because you go to every house. Some girls would say it's better to go in blind. Guys you just kind of need to know because there's 40 fraternities and you'll only have time to go to maybe 5. If you're a freshman girl just go into rush with an open mind and no prior rumors or anything and you'll be best off.

By: Just saying

sororitys arnt like frats. Any girl can walk into any frat. So it's easy for a girl to visit all of them and write up something like that detailing every house that well and descriptively. And you definitely don't want a girl writing up such a list cuz their gonna be biased af, I mean just look at em tear each other apart in every other post here lmao. Besides girls have to go to all the sororitys anyway, so why would you need a list to tell you which house is best for you???

By: Truth
by: LMAO   

This why Greek life is the laughingstock of colleges...everyone in the system tears one another apart yet they have the audacity to call themselves a community. Keep fooling yourselves, kiddos


just go in with an open mind, you're going to get to know each of the houses during open house round, which can be long, so make sure you write notes about each house & the girl/girls you talk to in each one after the round so when you go to rank you can remember stuff about each house

By: hi

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Go in blind don't look here to see the comments it's better to not know/ not care where the houses stand in rush because in reality that should not be a factor in your choosing a house you should choose the house that you are most excited to go to everyday

By: Tbh

Love how everyone isn't posting BS rankings or biased descriptions of what they think each sorority is like. Purdue is so blessed to have such a diverse and inclusive Greek life community. Good luck with rush!

By: Panhel love

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