What's Hot - Purdue University West Lafayette - PU
VIEW THREAD Tridelts wet the bed By: Hometown Hookup
Bro I heard some girl ruined a beta kids bed cause she squirt so much ...Read More
VIEW THREAD Phi Mu out of shakes By: Squirter
How did Phi Moo run out of milkshakes for their philanthropy. Did they eat all their product? Start eating some...Read More
VIEW POST By: fiji
delts blow nobody likes them and they wont be relevant on this campus ...Read More
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VIEW POST By: munch
smh phi psi doing whatever they can to slander houses and stay relevant. when you aint theta chi, and got...Read More
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VIEW THREAD delts function SUCKED By: hmok
why was the delts function so mid..people were leaving 10 mins in.. yikes boys looks like you went down a...Read More
VIEW THREAD SNU is freaky af By: Cornelius
One of my friends said she hooked up with a SNU guy and he asked her to 💩 on his...Read More
VIEW THREAD Theta Tau and Phi Tau merger By: .
Did anyone hear about Theta Tau merging with PKT? Looks like their IG changed to Phi Kappa Tau branding...Read More
Smells more like DG…. They desperado trying to fit in ...Read More
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VIEW POST By: Hahajajaa
More like a tainted DG…… Or APhi- their new pc not as great this year.. sorry not sorry. ...Read More
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VIEW POST By: geed sig
"overheated"... more like overrated. learn how to spell before you start making false claims....Read More
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