
sorority comments


University of North Carolina - UNC General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 8 of 26

Tri Delt
Chi O

Second Tier

Bottom tier
Phi Mu
Pi Phi
Tri Sig
Just bottom tier. Not much more to say about any of these girls.

By: very accurate

This post from below is entirely accurate:

Just because these rankings are all messed up from people self-rating, here is the current lineup.

Tri Delt
Chi O
-Top tier is just kind of a tradition thing that no one will ever except otherwise. It's really not saying much about these houses. Top tier and second tier are pretty much similar, the second tier houses just don't have as much history and tradition on this campus.

Second Tier
As said above, these three are pretty awesome as well and very well respected by fraternities and other sororities alike, they're just newer on campus.

Bottom tier
Phi Mu
Pi Phi
Tri Sig
Just bottom tier. Not much more to say about any of these girls.

By: True rankings

1) Tri-delt
2) KD / XO

3) ADPi
4) AXO
5) Zeta

6) PM
7) KKG / PBP
8) Tri-Sig

By: How it is

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The best part of UNC is that a lot of the girls from different houses are friends and get along.

By: brit

In a frat and this is how I see it:

1. KD, ADPi, Zeta (hot girls, solid traditional sororities)

2. TriDelt, Phi Mu, ChiO (upper middle-tier that are pretty solid, cool girls, fun to hang out with)

---small drop--

3. PiPhi, AXP (Overall a good group of girls, but you'll find some random sketchy weird ones in there)

---HUGE drop---

4. TriSig, KKG (I don't even know...)

By: Tarheel Basketball

1. Tri Delt, KD, Chi O (ranked by traditional popularity - but just like all sororities, they are a mixed bag in other terms)

2a. ADPi and AChiO (middle tier mostly nice but again, mixed bag in other terms)

2b. Zeta (middle tier in terms of popularity, I guess, but girls are more "done up" in terms of looks than ADPi and AChiO - and not necessarily "done up" in a good way)

3a. Phi Mu and Pi Phi - sort of random but perfectly nice girls

3b. KKG - off to the side doing its own thing, perfectly nice girls

4. Sigma - mixed bag with some girls trying WAY too hard, other girls perfectly nice

By: More like

That is a pretty accurate assessment. Basically I would tell the girls rushing that if you HAVE to mix with a certain fraternity, then pay attention to who mixes with whom. Otherwise, go with the house you like, because there are all sorts of girls in each house, and you just need to pick the vibe you want.

By: Actually

Time for new rankings people. Old tiers don't work anymore.

Chi O is going to have trouble this year, although many girls will still accept invites back.

KD will do well as always. Zeta will do well with certain types of girls.

Tri Delt will pick up girls who are scared to risk Chi O.

Don't know why ADPi gets a bad rap - they are nice girls.

Anybody with a brain should take AChiO over ZTA.

Other houses shifting. KKG doing much better like they were in the 90s, Phi Mu sort of in transition - not sure where they're going yet, although they are still pretty social.

Pi Phi nice girls but house has lost its way.

Tri-Sig - well - not much to say.

Pi Phi

By: New rankings

This ranking and the obsession some childish school girls have with it just points out how immature some 20somethings can be and how hard they make it for those of us who want to be serious about our college experience. My experience is exactly 100% the opposite of the rankings most have listed. That almost everyone says the same things about the same chapters really makes me wonder if there are not just a few sad, pathetic girls sitting at home at night without a social life trying to make themselves feel better by dissing everyone else they can think of. Sad!!

By: Amazed

I challenge every Panhellenic woman to stop posting on this site. The PNMs will go through rush and make their choices, and they aren't clueless about which house is going to be a good fit for them, so this site does nothing put give Greek Life at UNC a bad image. The sororities at UNC are really very classy compared to many campuses, so let's uphold that image!

By: I agree

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