
sorority comments


University of North Carolina - UNC General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 6 of 26

Nothing like a bunch of insecure sorority girls trying to make themselves feel better by putting down girls from other sororities. You know, you could just go volunteer at a middle school in your home town or put Mean Girls on repeat if you like this sort of drama. It would be a lot cheaper and leave you more time for nurturing your own damaged self-esteem.

College FAIL.

By: Haha...College FAIL

I predict that there is going to be a lot of shaking things up this year and next. Don't just go off tent talk - go off of your rush experience. There are a lot of cute, fun girls in all of the chapters.

By: Hey PNMs

props for getting it right. this is the most legit comment so far.

1. DDD, XO
2. KD, ADPi
3. AXO, ZTA, PiPhi


4. Phi Mu

Zeta ranked themselves high so they can feel good, they will never be a first tier sorority. And yes, Phi MOO is almost equal to Kappa and Sigma.

By: so true.

Speaking as someone from a "middle tier" sorority (middle tier according to comments below), this is so dumb of us to go here. I have good friends in both Tri-Delt and Kappa. They are equally beautiful, accomplished, and fun, I see them out at the same bars on Franklin, they have really nice families, date really nice guys, do interesting things in the summer, and probably will go on to have great careers. They all love their sisters and hope to continue on in their alumnae associations after graduation. So if they're getting what they want out of life, and they're happy, then why do we care about putting them in any sort of hierarchical order? Seriously, whoever wrote College FAIL is right. Most Carolina sorority women are above this pettiness, and I would encourage all Panhellenic members to stop the tier stuff and just stick to chapter spirit and pride. As for the fratstars, not much we can do except ignore them.

By: come on

in my opinion, adpi, axo, and phi mu are the best. I don't care about ratings or prestige, but from general observation, the girls in these houses are the most down to earth, intelligent, not fake, and really pretty.

By: mhm

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Can someone please explain to me why KKG is "at the bottom"? I'm at a school right now where KKG is the top sorority and I know that generally, we're at the top or near it for most schools. I might want to transfer to UNC but I don't want to be stuck in a terrible house so please explain!

By: kappa

Sigma, get off Greek Rank and go do something with your Saturday night. [And if you are real, missy, I am willing to bet that the Kappas are not going to want someone like you anyway, but I seriously doubt you are real.]

By: Yawn

That is not at all an improper use of condescend (go look it up), and I didn't have to quote it. Yes, it is totally rude of you, if you are a Kappa, to come on here and do anything to provoke a discussion of why or why they are not bad. Drawing attention to where they are on the "ladder" is rude and unkind. Suppose people come on here and say "well, they're [this negative thing] or [that negative thing.] Then a Kappa comes on here and reads it, and it is your doing for asking the question. Unkind. Suggesting that you might not be good enough for their house (enough to want to go someplace else) is rude. If I have to explain to you why what you did is rude, then you are a social doofus. Also, it isn't as if the sororities get dozens of transfers each year - likely were you to transfer, the Kappas would know that you were the one who came on here and asked why they were such a bad house. I don't know what their policy on transfers is, but in our house, we vote on whether or not to let them affiliate. I don't know what else to say beyond that, because it really is quite obvious that you are what we call a Mean Girl, whether or not you realize it. And do I feel bad that I kept you from transferring? Not one damn bit.

By: hah

Rude, mean, self-centered, unkind. The Kappas I know are very kind and probably would vote to let you affiliate, regardless of whether or not they saw what you wrote on here, but do them a favor and go somewhere else. I can't believe that you actually think that the question you asked was appropriate in any way. I hear Vandy is lovely this time of year.

By: Agreed

Wow Im a troll?!? Awesome! Now I don't have to buy a Halloween costume :)

By: kappa

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