
sorority comments


University of North Carolina - UNC General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 10 of 26

1) KD / DDD
2) XO / ADPi
3) AXO
4) ZTA
5) PM / SSS
6) KKG
7) PBP

By: How it is

Thanks for that news flash, PM/SSS - glad to know where you THINK you belong.

By: Yeah

Dear PNM's. Don't let these rankings sway your feelings. I am in a top 4 sorority at UNC and I have friends in all of these wonderful sororities. They are all great girls and you should find out for yourself and not from some silly blog where you should belong. Give each a fair change with no preconcieved notions coming in. I know tent talk can be difficult at times and yall are so focused on reputation but you will be happy no matter where you are whether that's in ZTA, KKG, ADPi, SSS,KD, etc. Enjoy rush because from now till bid day this blog will be entirely distorted by insecure sorority girls because I can tell you the ratings right now are very screwy. Girls have already mentioned that they messed with the rankings so do yourself a favor and have fun rushing and learning about UNCs greak greek system from your own experience. Your RoChis can be your greatest ally.

-Lots of Greek Love and enjoy recruitment

By: Dear PNMs

1) KD
2) DDD
3) XO
4) ADPi
5) AXO
6) ZTA
7) PM
8) SSS
9) KKG
10) PBP


By: True Rankings

need to give it a rest in their war against PBP and KKG.

Love, your top tier counterparts in other houses

By: PM and SSS

Dear PNM's. Don't let these rankings sway your feelings. I am in a top 4 sorority at UNC and I have friends in all of these wonderful sororities. They are all great girls and you should find out for yourself and not from some silly blog where you should belong. Give each a fair change with no preconcieved notions coming in. I know tent talk can be difficult at times and yall are so focused on reputation but you will be happy no matter where you are whether that's in ZTA, KKG, ADPi, SSS,KD, etc. Enjoy rush because from now till bid day this blog will be entirely distorted by insecure sorority girls because I can tell you the ratings right now are very screwy. Girls have already mentioned that they messed with the rankings so do yourself a favor and have fun rushing and learning about UNCs greak greek system from your own experience. Your RoChis can be your greatest ally.

-Lots of Greek Love and enjoy recruitment

By: bump

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1) KD
2) DDD
3) XO
4) ADPi
5) AXO
6) ZTA
7) PM
8) SSS
9) KKG
10) PBP


By: Lately

You say rankings don't matter, but go around saying you are in a top 4 house? hypocrite.

By: @bump

PNMs - that rank below was posted by someone in PM or SSS. It does not represent how houses are right now - there have been some MAJOR changes in many of the houses. So go through rush with an open mind and ignore tent talk, no matter what tier you're aiming for.

And sorry, but I am in a top four house, so deal with it.

By: No

It isn't Phi Mu doing it. And KKG and PBP keep getting slammed by haters. So that leaves...

By: Correction

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