
maybe dropping


i really didn't want the sorority that gave me a bid but i've heard if you rush a second time the good houses won't pick you...should i drop? i really wanna be in a sorority just not this one

Posted By: ugh
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The one thing you have to remember is that recruitment is a mutual selection process. You may have wanted another sorority, but they may not have wanted you as much as you wanted to be there. While that's sometimes hard to swallow, there was a sorority that wanted you and welcomed you with open arms into their sisterhood and home. Before deciding that it isn't the sisterhood for you, give it a try. You have up until initiation to drop while still being able to rush all of the houses again next fall. You may end up somewhere different next fall, but you also might not. From someone who's been there before, stick with the sisterhood. Give it a try. It won't hurt to stick with it for a bit to see if this really is or isn't the house for you -- but what will hurt is dropping without giving your sorority a chance and being stuck without a sisterhood for an entire year. So that's my two cents.

By: Been there

It will look really bad to ALL sororities if you drop now. (Believe me, we talk!) You will be much more respected if you try. How can you know anything about your new sisterhood after one night? Stick it out through your new member period, and if you still don't feel like you fit in, you can drop before Initiation. Other sororities will consider taking you next Fall if you give this house a chance. But to drop right now, when you took a spot away from a girl that really wanted to be there - that would pretty much ruin your chances in the Fall.

By: advice
by: Yes   

This is exactly correct. You took a spot from a girl that probably really wanted to be there so you need to give them a fair shot. It’s typical for new members to feel awkward after accepting a bid until they feel settled and comfortable. I suggest you go through the new member period and if you still don’t think it’s right for you, drop out before initiation

By: Yes

Nothing to lose by sticking it out a few weeks. You might even like it.

By: Don't

If you didn't want to join this chapter, you should NOT have put them on your bid card. Now that you are pledged to them, you are stuck with this chapter, because the alternative is NO house for a year. Might as well stick it out & see if you like it better in a few weeks.

By: so sorry

Freshman year is your best chance of getting in a sorority. What makes you think anything would change to make you more attractive to the sororities you do want if you rush again as a sophomore next year?

By: OK
by: Yes   

And houses will be more likely to drop you early on next year during recruitment because they’ll know you’ve already been through recruitment before and there is a reason you didn’t join their chapter then

By: Yes
by: well   

I know plenty of people who dropped first year and got the sorority they wanted as a sophomore

By: well

Your comment about "good houses" is very unpanhellenic. Put the tent talk aside and get to know the girls in your chapter before you make any decisions. First-years don't know anything yet.

By: sororityty

okay so i haven't dropped yet and have been hanging out with some of the girls from the sorority and...i really like them. i'm still not 100% sure if i'm gonna stay, but i'm definitely coming around

By: Original Poster
by: Good!   

That's the right attitude! These perceived "tiers" don't mean anything AT ALL. I know plenty of people in the top tier sororities that are miserable.. They have never found their niche. If you are sincerely trying to get to know the girls that wanted you to be part of their sisterhood, and still don't feel like it's home, then drop. But keep in mind where you are is possibly exactly where you are meant to be!

By: Good!

Don't listen to these girls telling you you have to. If you hate it, don't just stay because it's a sorority and you want to be in one. There's a sophmore quota and less sophmores rush so it might actually be easier. As long as you keep up your GPA (if you have above a 3.6 basically everywhere will want you) and if you have a lot of friends in that sorority you'll definitely get a bid. Just don't make enemies

By: If you haven't decided
by: Bad advice   

Didn't work for my roommate. Pretty, Sophomore, 3.7 GPA, super nice girl. Hasn't made enemies at UNC because she transferred. Knows plenty of UNC students from visiting and high school. Stay with this group a whe longer til you know in your heart.

By: Bad advice
by: well   

They don't do a sophomore quota here anymore. Yes, you need to have a good GPA as a sophomore, but that alone definitely is not enough. Biggest thing is to have friends in the houses you are interested in if you are rushing as a sophomore.

By: well

If you're in KKG or Tri Sig, drop. Anywhere else you should stay.

~Jake from State Farm

By: Good advice

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by: Lolz   


By: Lolz
by: ha ha   

What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?

By: ha ha

I’m not sure

By: Daisy

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