
why do pi phi recruiters feel so fake


Idk if its just me but the recruiters at pi phi feel really fake and desperate

Posted By: pnm
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bc they are

By: .

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My roommates and I were talking about this last night!

By: True

25 likes in 10 minutes... Phi Mu this is not a good look...

By: wtf

I also got that energy.

By: Yeah

I really liked the girls I met at PiPhi, as did a lot of other girls I've talked to. I also liked the girls at Phi Mu. Why can't people be supportive of one another? The girls in other houses seem like they have to put one another down to feel important.

By: not
by: yeah   

I'm not sure why people on this website are trying to pit phi mu and pi phi against each other??? I am in one of the two and have genuinely no issues with the other. I am friends with so many in the other sorority too like there is literally nothing going on between the two

By: yeah
by: nonsense   

I'm also in one of the two houses, and there are no issues. Many of us are friends and support one another.

By: nonsense

honestly, and i still got dropped-

By: real


By: bump

this couldn't be more true. I get people hate on kappa but at least their recruiters aren't acting desperate and fake. The pi phi girls are just not it

By: truth
by: agree   

idk why they get the hate, they have been super sweet these past few days and act genuinely interested in getting to know me.

By: agree

as a pnm who talked to an insanely sweet pi phi today who showed genuine interest in them, this really bothers me. they are pretty girls and I feel like people hate on them for no reason

By: pnm
by: hi   

bump ^^^

By: hi
by: Hi   

Ok pi phi. Literally everyone I’ve talked to got weird vibes.

By: Hi

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