
Truth for PNMs- PLS READ


if you’re a pnm rushing in the fall, my advice is this: get off this site. i know that everyone is telling you not to look at ranks because it’ll give you a warped perspective of the recruitment process, which is valid, but look at it this way: there’s probably a solid chance of you ending up in a mid/lower house. no matter how hot or accomplished you are, literally every pnm that’s rushing is just as qualified and pretty as you. i went into recruitment thinking that id end up in a top sorority. i got completely shocked by how pretty, smart, and accomplished all of the other pnm’s were, and only got back a few mid houses and all of the bottom houses for round 1. i ended up in a upper mid house, which i know is the house that i would be happiest in, but my first few months of being a new member were ruined because i was convinced that i was in a “bad” house and that everyone in the “better sororities” was looking down on me, and truly believing the nasty stuff yall say on this website. i was all over greekrank for the few months before recruitment, and was convinced that these ranks had a huge impact on your experience. in reality- nobody actually cares, and these “ranks” have nothing to do with your actual social standing- it only influences the frats you pair with and have functions with, but if you’re only rushing for male attention you’re in it for the wrong reasons. my advice is to get off this site and forget everything you’ve seen here, because it WILL ruin your recruitment experience. legit everyone on this site is so miserable with their own lives and insecure about themselves, bc people who are happy with who they’re friends are don’t go on stupid websites like this. i had multiple friends who made decisions based off of ranking and tier, and ended up in a house that wasn’t the best fit for them, and they regret not choosing the house they actually loved during recruitment. being in a middle/bottom house is perfectly fine and arguably better than being in a “top” house when you don’t have people in your ear telling you that you’re dumber, poorer, uglier, and less desirable because of something as insignificant as your sorority affiliation. go into the recruitment experience with an open mind and neutral attitude toward every house, and make decisions based on how you ACTUALLY feel, not how other people told you to feel. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

Posted By: Actual srat girl
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Thank u for this 👏🏼 coming from someone in a “higher ranked” sorority, people are always trying to push their insecurities onto someone else. Even when you’re in these “high tier” sororities there will always be someone telling you you’re not rich enough, pretty enough, or cool enough. If you live your college experience with expectations of external validation from a superficial, exclusive social club, then you will be an extremely sad individual. Find your people, but know that some of the most unhappy/unfulfilled people I know are in “top sororities.” And if a guy doesn’t like you because you’re not in a top sorority, then I PROMISE you don’t want anything to do with that boy😂 greek life can be full of shallow minded people, so please be mindful of this if you’re someone who is anti-BS. Disclaimer, I think Greek life can be beneficial for many reasons, obviously I’m still active for a reason, but just don’t let yourself get too caught up in the politics. All this won’t matter when people start to graduate and get real jobs lol

By: Also actual srat girl


By: Boost


By: boost

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Love you!! Reminds me of these wise words “Comparison is the thief of joy”❤️

By: Teddy

As a recent alum who was in Greek life this is so true. Go where you will be happy for a few years but also it genuinely will not matter outside of college so just find the place where you fit in best

By: Greek alum

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By: Ya

Same for fraternities. There's no point to be in one of the "top" houses if you hardly know your bros, or don't really like them. The whole point of being in a Greek org is to make lifelong friends and maximize your time at UNC, so whatever house your gut tells you you'll feel best in, go for that one no matter what this idiotic site says.

By: speaktruth

SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. Never seen a more honest Greek Rank post.

By: agree

congrats on Aphi

By: phideltlover24
by: Rude   

Shut up troll. I have lots of friends in aphi and they are some of the most amazing women I’ve ever met. I don’t understand why some people are so insecure that they post such anonymous hate. This says more about you than it does about these sororities. It’s unnecessary and uncalled for.

By: Rude

Bumppp this is it pnms

By: Yes

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