
chi o housing crisis


do you guys think xo not having a house this year is gonna affect their numbers? imo i wouldn’t join a sorority w no house

Posted By: abcdefg
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probs just this year or until the renovation is finished… don’t see it impacting them in the long run

By: lolz

Chi O is strong enough to withstand briefly not having a house. They’ve been dominant for decades and this certainly won’t remotely touch that dominance.

By: Nope

They’re def gonna get a weird pc…more sought after PNMs will go for ddd/kd this year, even adpi. But they won’t fall drastically to where they can’t get back up.

By: Nah
by: Wow   

Wow; the hate and jelly girls over a house remodel. Lmao. Just accept that Chi O is top, will always be top and finally they will always mix with the top fraternities. And their new house redo will be better than any chapter house you will ever know in ur lifetime.

By: Wow

Agree with poster that said chi o pledge class will be weird this year. Definitely will be handing out snap bids, will lower their standards and id avoid preffing them if u have better options. Their status will fall, they’ll still be good, but it’ll be a strange year to join.

By: Ywah

This is a hilarious post. This person clearly doesn’t know just how good Chi O is. They will be just fine. Trust me. I promise. They will still be top. lol

By: 🤣
by: Bye   

Chi o is scouring this website to defend their houseless chapter💀

By: Bye
by: meh    

Hun, I don’t think Chi O gives an honest damn about this website. As a top tier fraternity man Chi O will always be top. Please get over it and accept it. They are hotties and always will be. Can’t speak for your sorority tho 😉

By: meh
by: ^   

Hey Chi O mom, don't try to talk like a frat guy on greekrank, and them immediately upvote it. You're really obvious and cringy. We can all see it and it's just a bad look for Chi O.

By: ^

Wow; the hate and jelly girls over a house remodel. Lmao. Just accept that Chi O is top, will always be top and finally they will always mix with the top fraternities. And their new house redo will be better than any chapter house you will ever know in ur lifetime.

By: Hilarious

This original poster and subsequent poster has OCD over a non issue topic; Chi O house renovation. Psst…no one cares and Chi O will still dominate and get the best girls and mix with the top fraternities. Who the fu$ cares about what u label as a made up “crisis”. smh.

By: OCD person ✅

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As someone who is not in chi o, from the outside looking in I’m sure the girls will see through the one year of no house into the alumni connections, the great previous pledge classes, and strong sorority standing and still want to join

By: ?

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