
adpi might act like they like you but…


When I rushed, adpi dirty rushed me and acted like they wanted me in their chapter and really loved me. I ended up getting a bid, but it all went downhill from there. During recruitment last year, they basically only chose 10-15 of the prettiest adpis to be in the house and recruit girls, and the rest of us were stuck in the stairwell, hidden from the PNMs. We all got so mad about this and felt so unwanted from our own sorority and tried to complain. This year, I was excused from recruitment, and I heard that the same thing is happening again with girls being hidden from PNMs in the stairwell. ADPi may act like they love you during recruitment, but after bid day, they completely ignore you and no one cares about you.

Posted By: ugh
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Adpis are not as classy as they seem! They bid promise practically everyone and consistently post the same 2 friend groups on their instagram. They do not care if you are bid promised and then dropped that’s actually what they want is for you to talk about that so they can stay relevant. Don’t fall for it!

By: Yup
by: lol   

report them for bid promising its not okay

By: lol

Are you sure you aren’t referring to Tri Delt? They only have 10-15 attractive girls max in their entire sorority

By: Hmm

Adpi dirty rushes everyone so they have a high rate of PNMs who want them back. Artificial inflation. I wish the public could see what the rest of the girls are like besides the couple they feature on the gram.

By: Grammms

i know of mid tier sororities that will do the same thing hiding chapter members during recruitment so no doubt adpi does it too

By: yes

I was bid promised in no uncertain terms prior to recruitment and then dropped after zoom rounds lol.

By: pnm

One sister could never guarantee a bid this is not how it works. People are convinced they were dirty rushed but some of y’all were just the roommate and she asked to bring you along.

By: 123

You may say it isn’t bid promising but adpi invited me to go out to MAW and beta with them and while we were pregaming they said things like “looking at our future PC right here” “y’all have got automatic bids, we’ve got u” feels rly bid promising and it really hurt when they dropped me on day 1. Is it that I just talked to a bad girl??

By: Bruh
by: Nah   

Sorry but i just don’t believe that, try again.

By: Nah

If you were dropped round round, plenty of houses and time to move on and it was not a computer error every year people convince themselves that had to be it. Last year when Panhel called girls Bid Day saying they had a bid later to call them back and say it was a mistake and blamed a computer error. That was a human Fup and cruel.

By: Wx7

I’m a sophomore who rushed last year and I’ve polled a lot of my friends in different sororities to see if they were dirty rushed and none of them were. I just don’t think that sororities are doing it as much as you think. I have a lot of high school connections here and I wasn’t dirty rushed. My friends from private schools weren’t dirty rushed. My sorority has been very clear to its members about what is considered dirty rushing and stressed that it would not be tolerated so I’m sorry, I just don’t believe all these claims. At this point it is almost pref and the girls who put both of their sororities on their bid card are guaranteed a bid from one of them.

By: Hmm

There are some really weird ADPIs and idk why adpi lets them in...ruins the whole chapter rep. i can understand why adpi keeps them in the stairwell. If I got them during rush i'd drop adpi immediately lmao

By: erm

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