
Respect to Them


Bro if there are any chapters where their effort matches what they stand for…AXO and KKG are it.

Everyone can say what they want, but when it comes to sisterhood, looking out for each other, and actually portraying their values outwardly, those two do it like no other. If you want kind, inclusive, genuine friends, those two are the way to go.

Posted By: honestly
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They're definitely inclusive...that's for sure! except there's like not a single person of color in axo but theyr'e inclusive in other ways,!

By: yeeeeah!
by: Uh   

Why does that matter?

By: Uh
by: Oh   

axo is def the most
size inclusive

By: Oh
by: Eh   

Tri Delt is pretty size inclusive too but they don’t publicize those girls

By: Eh


By: Yep

This is it.

By: M

KKG & AXO truly embody their values & it shows.

By: Yes

I think AXO is gonna have a break out year w recruitment- PNM’s are starting to realize how great these girls are and are looking for things other than tier status. Their recruiting team / social media chair has done an excellent job

By: True

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by: Same   

Definitely same with Kappa too- I know so many girls that are looking to join chapters where they can make genuine friendships that last well past college. KKG is really leaning into sisterhood and it shows- I’m betting this will be a solid recruitment year for both.

By: Same

yeah because tell me why the kappa members were outside working together this entire week just enjoying each other’s company and PLANTING THEIR OWN FLOWERS??? that chapter is actually so special and slept on. more people need to have values like that!

By: tbh
by: -   

I saw them out doing this too!! Seriously the sweetest girls- I think this is their year. Sending Panhel love from another chapter <3

By: -


By: !

I’m in a different sorority here but I’m honestly rooting for kappa so hard! I sincerely hope this is their best year yet because they have some amazing girls!

By: Tbh

Both of these groups are seriously so sweet, this thread makes me happy.

By: Yes

With recruitment starting back up, bumping this positive post! Panhel love is so important. It’s so much better to uplift chapters instead of flooding this website with negativity.

By: Positivity


By: —

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