
How To Be A Good PNM


Some tips to help you get through recruitment since it starts on Thursday!

1) Do not talk negatively about chapters - you could be discouraging people from joining chapters they loved because of your negative attitude. If you get CAUGHT speaking negatively, you can be removed from recruitment entirely.

2) Be respectful of ALL chapters you attend - as scared as you are, the recruiters are too. They are people as well and there is no reason to be disrespectful towards them; they just want to help you find your home.

3) Go somewhere that you already feel like you fit in - if you go to a house and feel like you "want to be like them", you will spend the rest of your time trying to be like them instead of being true to yourself. Find the people who accept you and want you as you are.

4) Keep an open mind - even if you get dropped by the house you thought you were going to end up in, keep going through the process. You will end up where you were meant to be.

5) Do not Single Intentional Preference - you limit your options by doing this and throw yourself out of the chance to be in greek life. If you don't like it, drop later. But at least go to Bid Day.

6) GO WHERE YOU WANT - do not be influenced by people in your Gamma Chi group. Everyone is so different and people make friends all the time in other chapters. Go where you feel happy and safe, and be happy for your friends for doing the same thing, even if it is not in the chapter YOU love.

I'm sure there are more tips, so keep adding to the thread and good luck with recruitment!

Posted By: Advice
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This is good advice. If I approached rush with this mindset last year I think I would’ve been a lot happier.

By: Yes

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