
to future pnms who discover this website


Welcome to UNC if you got in and if you are interested in rushing!

First tip, do not listen to anything on the website or believe it. Everybody's experiences are different and people are mean on here and never know the full story, they just want to cause drama and make other sororities look bad.

Second tip, never rush a sorority based off of rankings on here or for popularity. If you are going to rush, have good intentions. Some of the "top" ones have the worst issues.

Third tip, the sororities at UNC are nothing like the ones at Alabama or big schools. We have smart girls here, like genius! There is no "dumb blonde stereotype" and almost all sororities are filled with nice girls. No matter what though there will be some drama, can be big or small. When you put over 100 girls in a room not everyone is going to be best friends.

Fourth tip, if you do not want to rush, UNC does COB (continuous open bidding). It is a lot calmer but every sorority does it different. You can reach out to a member via Instagram or they might reach out to you. Even if you are not thinking about rushing or you are on the edge, just go to an event. It helps to meet girls and see if you can make a connection and you never know what might happen!

Fifth tip, there are other reasons to join a sorority other than friendship. You make amazing connections and it helps with careers and having a backbone after college. Alumni especially from UNC have amazing jobs and they can help you get hired or an interview! The food is also better than the dining halls (for most sororities) (some have frat guys cook and not real chefs...) (ask about it during rush). Also there are great leadership/volunteer opportunities that look great on transcripts.

Sixth tip, if you ever have questions or want to know more about a sorority before deciding to rush, DM them on Instagram or reach out to the recruitment chair (should be posted on their IG). Don't go straight to the president though they are busy enough. Also panhel came out with a fun booklet you should look through it is so helpful, just search UNC panhellenic and you'll find it on the website.

Seventh tip, finances. Yes it can be expensive, but all fees are different for every sorority. Many of them do scholarships through their national organization (ask about it!), also do loans, and other helpful stuff. Some allow associates status which gives you a break for the semester (helpful to study abroad girls). Payments are typically split into every month or one payment so you have the options for what works best in your situation.

Eighth tip, have fun, rushing is fun and you get to meet so many people. You do not have to be an extrovert do not worry, all girls are welcome!

Greek girlies, please explain why below you are in the sorority you are in! No bashing other sororities, or ranking, and putting anyone down. This post is to encourage PNMs to go Greek and rush.

Posted By: Pinky
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You will have fun wherever you go and everyone wants to help you find your home!

By: bump

Hello ladies!! This is a great message so please reply to it and be supportive of each other I know everyone is on here constantly

By: Boost

I joined the sorority I’m in because when I walked through the doors I was able to have genuine laughs and it was like we already knew each other. I loved all the stories I was told and when I looked around every girl was smiling and seemed to be nice. The other houses were nice but I didn’t feel that connection I felt with mine and the other felt almost fake. Ever since then I have been able to experience the same friendships, long nights, cookout drives, meal times, and small random moments of bonding and joy in the house. One of my favorite things is that while we might be smaller and seem less sorority like, we are so connected with our alumni. They come to recruitment practices, bid days, initiation, chapter meetings, and sometimes dinners. They help us make sure we are still following the traditions that we have had for over the past 100 years and it makes me feel so connected to my older alumni sisters. It’s also amazing to me hearing the stories they have shared and knowing that the girls that have walked through the doors have the same funny, bubbly, and opening personalities that all of the girls have now.

By: Yolo

I agree with everything here. I hate hearing people talk about “tiers”
It’s truly more who just jibes well with one another. Don’t force or focus on one sorority because of their reputation! My final two that I picked for pref were technically two completely different tiers and while I love the one I picked and it’s perfect for me, I have so much love and respect for the other that I went to pref for.
Just really try and think about what you’re looking for in a friend, as well as philanthropy and maybe how they promote sisterhood or other aspects you care personally about! Ignore this site and just try your best to relax and all will work the way it should.

By: so true

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The truth is that being in a middle/bottom tier sorority is just as good if not better than a top! Pay attention to who you see in line with you at rounds (especially Pref because these could be your future sisters) and make sure you vibe with them because that also gives you insight about your pledge class! Tiers literally won't matter the second you graduate so be with people you genuinely enjoy to form lifelong friendships!

By: Hi

100% yes to this! I rushed as a sophomore and had some preconceived notions but tried to go into rush with any open mind. Ended up at a house that wasn’t even on my radar but was the PERFECT fit!

By: 100%

God yes, this is so so important. Please keep all of this in mind when going through formal recruitment!


Another great comment I saw is if you really want to look at this site then go through the ranking and look at their reviews that are not on the discussion page. Still there can be some really harsh things on this site so please don’t believe everything you see. Trust your gut and stick with the process and you will end up in the right place!

By: Houses

this is so important. if you go in with a closed mind, you’re only hurting yourself. do what is best for YOU and what makes YOU happy. the more you listen to people around you, the more you’ll doubt your gut instinct. you know yourself best.

By: real

First tip is “do not listen to anything on the website or believe it.”

So why do you continue, or solicit responses?

You perpetuate that which you condemn.

You would have more (actually, any) credibility if you just stopped after the first tip.

By: Illogical Advice

Maybe if you used your brain and read the message it would make sense to you but i guess not everyone has common sense

By: …

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