
who is mary greer?


i’m not in greek life but someone mentioned her today when we were talking about sororities and it seemed bad. what happened?

Posted By: hot girl
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A girl that has a victim complex and is a complete narcissist. She called a frat boy the N word but got away with it because she said she was going to end her life. She kept backtracking on her story

By: He
by: bruh   

1- shes not in greeklife
2- the guy admitted he lied
3- tbh if i went through what she went through id probably have those thoughts too

By: bruh
by: sad   

Imagine being in college and bullying someone anonymously online to feel better about yourself. Really is sad and hope you find some grace

By: sad
by: leave her alone   

nobody gets to tell her story but her.

By: leave her alone
by: Shaahhaha    

Who was the guy?

By: Shaahhaha
by: h   


By: h
by: Um   

Where’s the proof Fabrice admitted he lied? Pretty sure there isn’t because it was said

By: Um
by: hm   

nah he literally told her friend that he made it up

By: hm

she has been around "a lot" if you know what I mean. 40-60ish people

By: yo
by: ok   

ok? how do you know that’s true? even if it is… are you just mad u aren’t one of them? who cares?

By: ok
by: haha   

Virgin is typing…

By: haha

A girl that is black listed from most frats and has horrible forehead wrinkles. The "people defending her" are just her and her 3 or so friends pretending to be a majority

By: Truth

Why not ask someone in person? You literally know this girl was slandered on the internet, and that this post would have this reaction. You’re the problem and mind your business

By: Idiot

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by: aha   

it’s probably not someone who’s actually curious, probably the same person making all the negative comments.

By: aha

"nobody gets to tell her story but her." y'all are so dramatic for what. she made mistakes and then suffered repercussions. stop begging for sympathy because no one is giving it

By: .
by: bestie   

she got cyberbullied by her sorority sisters and frat boys over something she never did. instead of saying “hold her accountable” hold the greek organizations who condoned that behavior accountable. She got eaten alive because of a GD rumor. sick.

By: bestie

look at the pikapps trying to terrorize this girl again so that people stop talking about what they did

By: no crap

I don’t think any frat likes her… not even the worst of the worst. Embarrassing

By: Ah

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