
How Did This Happen?


I’m trying to figure out what in the world happened. I’m still in disbelief. I get a call that I received a bid, then 3 hours later I’m told “oops, there was a glitch” and I didn’t have a bid. This happened to me and 26 other girls and we are told we can meet with Panhellenic AFTER Labor Day for them to answer our questions.

Posted By: moonpie
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did you pref only one house

By: yikes
by: Wow   

That has to be the case because if you maximized your options this would not have happened to you. This is why suiciding is discouraged but that sucks that this happened. At least it was only 3 hours

By: Wow

I think the 27 of you should also join kappa and help turn them around. That many of you could make a big impact

By: Tbh
by: Yes!   

Great advice!

By: Yes!

You must have suicided or only pref'd one house. Either way, the odds are against you. If you are still interested, try Spring rush. More informal, relaxed and you get to know the sisters better.

By: Uh oh

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Probably a miscalculation/alignment with the lists. Pretty easy mistake to make after an exhausting several days of rush. Sorry this happened to you.

By: Math is hard

Ur mom also posted this to the Facebook account, since it was literally verbatim what you wrote here. It does suck. Very sorry to hear about this. Maybe reach out to the sorority that kept you on through each round thst you dropped at the end?

By: Hey

Im so sorry that happened! I know it must suck being told you have a bid then having the heartbreak of not getting one! If u find out what happened and what the glitch was can u please tell us so we (future and or current pnms) could know what went wrong?

By: Curious

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