
Snap Bids vs. COB


When are snap bids given out? Is that different than bids during the COB process?

Posted By: ???
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Snap bids go on up until 6:30 today when pnms open their bid cards, snap bids are only for if a chapter didn’t meet quota, so you’d likely know already if you’re gonna get a snap bid, cobs start immediately after rush if some girls who did get a bid decide against it or seniors drop, cobs are usually given out within the first few weeks of fall and spring sems

By: Ya

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by: ???   

So, snap bids are for girls that are still in recruitment but didn't get a bid? Or, can they also be extended to girls that withdrew?

By: ???
by: Oh no   

Yes you can get a snap bid if you withdrew. Quota additions are for girls who were dropped completely and maximized their options, so quota additions happen first, and then snap bids and then cobs

By: Oh no
by: ???   

So, can a pnm reach out to the houses she has an interest in and let them know her desire to receive a COB? Or is that not allowed under rush rules, or otherwise a bad move?

By: ???

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