
Is it true Chi o dirty rushes


I heard they got in trouble a little bit ago but wasnt really sure the details but kinda confused if they just dirty rush every year ?

Posted By: confused
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Yes they’ve been dirty rushing and they currently got reported to panhel for it so they’re in danger of being suspended because it’s happened so many times

By: Ya
by: Yep   

It’s pretty likely they’re gonna get suspended this time because Kevin G wants to crack down on Greek orgs and wants to make an example out of xo

By: Yep

DDD and XO have always been big on dirty rushing/selecting their PC before rush. I think KD and some others do it on a smaller scale, but if you’re on DDD or XO’s radar, you’ve probably been out with them/met some members already

By: hm
by: Tbh   

From what I’ve heard this is finally going to bite XO in the ass, wonder if they’ll tell the pnm’s this. DDD better be careful

By: Tbh
by: it’s more than that   

look at any freshman snap maps and they all will be at short bread. a lot of sororities do it. there was a DDD scandal where a whole floor on granville basically pledged they’d go tri delt

By: it’s more than that

My sister goes here and is in a sorority. Her roomate is in chi o and I'm going through rush this year and my sister told me not to go chi o because her roomie said that they're in trouble with the school at the moment and it's gonna likely get them suspended and they won't be able to have events for probably a year

By: No way
by: unc   

That’s excellent advice

By: unc
by: lol   

doubt anyone in Chi O would tell people not to go Chi O, 0% chance this is accurate

By: lol
by: Huh   

The chi o’s roommate told her sister not to go chi o. The girl in chi o didn’t say anything to the pnm.

By: Huh

I got dropped from Chi O so this actually makes me feel so much better

By: Dropped
by: tbh   

Try not to take it personally because it probably has nothing to do with you. Tri Delt and Chi O have a very specific set of PNMs that they’re competing for (and there is nothing special about the group other than where they went to school, camp, or how many members they know). Most chapters will consider their interactions with you during rush when making a decision, so focus on being yourself and know that if any chapter drops you it isn’t personal.

By: tbh
by: gradstudent for the drama   

thats not true, nationals maybe but chapel hill is not like this

By: gradstudent for the drama

So..i asked about this today when i was talking to chi o because i didn’t want to buy into rumors but basically the 2 girls acknowledged that they are in trouble and are hoping they won’t be banned from social functions for the entire school year. They didn’t seem to optimistic though and i don’t wanna be in a sorority that can’t have any mixers or formals

By: Feedback

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by: Ugh   

I casually asked about it too and they were so vague it really seemed sketch

By: Ugh

If you’re preffing them tonight and you haven’t already asked about this what kind of punishment they’re expecting you need to do this tonight. A lot of the members are trying to sweep this under the rug or act vague about it but they are probably going to be on social probation or worse so you need to know what to expect

By: My advice
by: Yessir   


By: Yessir

They are such liars. I asked the FSL office about it and the girl that preffed me lied to my face about it. I was so disgusted i wanted to walk out the door right then.

By: Pnm
by: Omg   

Omg no way

By: Omg

This sounds like a Jealous Tri Delt trying to hurt Chi O online. Have some class ladies

By: Tri Delt playing dirty ya
by: Hmmm   

Or maybe it’s a xo mad that they’re gonna have no socials this year talk about class when you dirty rush because you’re afraid girls will realize you’re all bruh girls during recruitment

By: Hmmm
by: Butthead   

Could be either possibility

By: Butthead
by: y’all are dumb   

they literally have social this year. y’all act like y’all know it all

By: y’all are dumb

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