


From a former gamma chi.

- Everything is a performance to make the house look good. Watch how the members interact with each other when not talking with a PNM… how they speak, body language, etc.
- No one will remember what you specifically talked about, only the overall vibe of the conversation. So don’t treat it like an interview, talk about whatever will showcase your personality.
- Do not take getting dropped personally. Everything is a numbers game, and it is very possible to slip through the cracks. You will experience some kind if disappointment during rush, so expect that and be comfortable with it.
- Keep notes about how each house made you feel. Valued? Ignored? Comfortable? Relaxed? Anxious? It’s natural to be nervous, but if you are stressed about trying to be what you think they want, it is not a good fit.
- If you want to be in a specific sorority, tell them that. Especially important during pref… you are more likely to get a bid if a house knows you want them.
- Just because you don’t like a girl you talk to doesn’t mean you won’t like the sorority. Every chapter has nice girls, mean girls, girls you would be friends with, and girls you wouldn’t. You might have just been matched poorly with a member.
- Especially rounds 3-4, think about who is in line to go into the houses with you. Are these girls you would want to be in a PC with?
- If you aren’t sure about accepting a bid, try it out! You can always drop after bid day, but it’s worth seeing what the chapter is really like after rush.
- If you are sure you are no longer interested in rushing, don’t let anyone (including Panhel) make you feel bad about this! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE IN A SORORITY TO BE HAPPY AT UNC.
- Try your best not to talk to your friends/roommates about specifics of your experience. I know that’s hard, but it’s so important that your decision is 100% YOUR decision.
- Panhel will tell you not to, but suicide if you truly are not interested in the second house you pref. Only put a chapter you would accept a bid from on your card. Otherwise, even if you drop you are ineligible for COB and cannot join any chapter until next fall.

Posted By: Gx
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Some common questions asked during rush:

What did you do this summer?
Why did you decide to rush/what are you looking to get out of a sorority?
How has your recruitment experience been so far?
How is your living/roommate situation?
Why did you decide to go to UNC?
What were you involved in during high school?
What are you hoping to get involved with at UNC outside of Greek life?
What interests you specifically about this chapter?
Are you at all interested in leadership positions within the sorority?
Would you be interested in living in the house?
Talk about your hometown/family/high school experience.
Do you have any concerns about being in a sorority?

By: Gx

There are duds in every sorority! I’m pretty good at conversations and got paired at a top tier house with sister who could not talk. I had to carry the conversation and is was the most painful and awkward 10 minutes of my life. That was a big sign that sorority was not the place for me!

By: And

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by: Selena Gomez   

You must be talking about kd bc some of those girls can’t talk and I had the worst experience there. Then they dropped me after that and i was like wtf you’re the one that sucked not me

By: Selena Gomez
by: unc25   

The same thing happened to me there, I had to carry the conversation and the whole time I was wondering how that girl managed to get a bid there when she had no people skills.

By: unc25

Comment about seeing who might be in your PC is so underrated!! Definitely take note of those girls too who r rushing with you

By: Omg


By: unc

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