
do GIRLS care about a guy’s frat?

by: Frat lord

Saw this posted about if guys care about a girl’s sorority tier…curious to see answers to the flip side? do girls care about what frat a guy is in / how relatively good it is?

Posted By: Frat lord
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#1  by: Personally   

I typically don’t, unless it’s the lowest of the low with a bad rep. However i don’t typically ask guys about their frats when i meet them so sometimes i don’t even know that they’re in a frat until after I’ve determined whether i like them or not.

By: Personally
by: UhJul 29, 2022 7:38:29 PM

As long as he treats you right and is a nice person, who cares?? High school behavior for sure

By: Uh
#2  by: Srat goddess   

Honestly, my friends and i all prefer guys in middle tier frats, they’re typically the nicest based on our experiences. There’s lots of cute guys in middle tier frats too so it’s a win/win. The worst date I ever had here was with a guy in a top tier frat, he couldn’t stop talking about himself and he seemed kind of sleazy

By: Srat goddess
by: yesJul 29, 2022 2:37:05 PM

this is very true

By: yes
#3  by: Like   

Why are people normalizing not dating a guy because of tier… PLS

By: Like
#4  by: My opinion    

Not to enforce stereotypes but top tier guys are usually douche bags, low tier boys are weird at times. I’m my opinion, middle tier guys are usually the most chill.

By: My opinion
by: YesJul 29, 2022 11:41:04 PM


By: Yes
#5  by: Truth   

I’d say there’s nice guys in every frat so saying every “top tier” frat guy is a douche or every “bottom tier” frat guy is weird is a stretch. There’s definitely some but overall people are people and there’s good and bad ones everywhere

By: Truth
#6  by: inmho    

I definitely care that they’re not in a frat known for questionable things (like pi lam or sae) but beyond that not really. Just like sororities there are great people everywhere.

By: inmho
#7  by: Ew   

I don’t date guys in frats, i have lots of friends in them but I will not date them. I prefer geeds to expand my social network and there are lots of amazing guys at UNC that aren’t involved in Greek life

By: Ew
#8  by: Truth   

As long as their not bottom tier. Have a friend who stopped talking to a guy once she saw he was a kappa sig because it looks to bad on our rep

By: Truth
#9  by: ya   

I’m a girl and I’d date middle to top tier guys but not bottom tier just for reputation reasons

By: ya
by: Secret loversAug 8, 2022 7:44:21 AM

I know multiple girls in kd who hook up with guys in lambda but they won’t date them bc they’re bottom tier

By: Secret lovers

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