
Why are girls scared to eat meals in the houses

by: Meals

Some members admitted to feeling uncomfortable or scared to eat meals in the houses. What’s that about, if i’m paying for meals i don’t want to feel like that

Posted By: Meals
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#1  by: What?   

I don’t think most girls feel like this? I think only if you’re already uncomfortable in your sorority you might feel like this, but I love meals at the house, so convenient and nice to see everyone in one place!!

By: What?
#2  by: Loser   

I felt like an outsider whenever i ate meals at the Tri Delt house because literally nobody would talk to me and believe me i tried to initiate small talk. Whoever I’d end up sitting next to would talk to their friends and treated me like i was visible. When a PC has 50 girls in it the sisters know if someone is a new member and after about 7 or 8 times of being ignored i just stopped going to the house for meals unless i knew girls from my PC would be there at the same time. I had the same experience with my big, she never would reach out to me. I tried to get together with her multiple times and after being brushed off multiple times i gave up. If this semester isn’t any better I’m dropping because it isn’t worth the money

By: Loser
by: OhJul 23, 2022 4:31:56 PM

We need to make a group chat of ex members of Tri Delt

By: Oh
by: squirrel Jul 24, 2022 1:11:22 PM

honestly I have had the same experience at tri delt. it is super sad

By: squirrel
#3  by: senior   

when i was a new mem I was really scared of this for sure, it can be intimidating when you're new in a sea of girls that know each other! but my big really encouraged me to start coming and i'd link up w her and some other new mems so we'd go to meal at the same time. the big fear for most people is showing up and eating alone but that rlly only happens if you just dont talk to anyone or reach out

By: senior
by: WrongJul 24, 2022 2:57:13 PM

Um I tried to talk to girls and reach out everytime I went and not a single girl wanted to have a conversation with me. They literally turned away from me at the table to talk to someone else so don’t come here and say that girls only have problems if they don’t reach out because I have never tried as hard as i did here and it sucked. My big was not helpful at all, she loved me during recruitment but never would do anything with me once i got my bid

By: Wrong
#4  by: stop    

another AGL post

By: stop
by: NoJul 26, 2022 9:33:16 PM

You stop being in denial that this is true, my roommate experienced this so i have firsthand knowledge that this happens.

By: No
by: StopAug 16, 2022 10:44:34 PM

Please stop trying to dismiss this as being an AGL post, I lived this and personally know how miserable it was

By: Stop
#5  by: lol   

i used to have panic attacks at every chapter and i literally lived in the house❤️❤️❤️

By: lol
#6  by: axo   

I've heard that this is not true at axo, they apparently have a rule where at every dinner you have to fill a circle table before filling the next one so they are always talking to new girls and meeting new people. (my roommate is in axo and has loved it and brings me to some meals since I am not in a sorority) this might be the same for other sororities too I just only know about axo

By: axo
by: lmaoAug 17, 2022 7:01:05 PM

axo patrolling this site trying to make themselves look not lame for rush is the funniest thing bc they’re such an odd group

By: lmao
#7  by: Girl   

Girl requiring a RULE for people to be inclusive misses the whole point. Your chapter should be inclusive even if a rule didn’t exist. U really thought you were making axo look good but this is embarassing. You need a whole rule to tell your sisters to be nice to others?!?

By: Girl

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