
Real Sorority Rankings for Fall 2022

by: The Truth

Lots of shake ups in the rankings recently but this is as accurate as you’re gonna find
Top Tier- Chi O, AXO, ADPi
Upper Middle Class-Tri Delt, APhi, PiKA, Zeta
Middle Tier-KD, (sorry you guys have fallen off) Phi Mu, KKG, Pi aphi
Bottom Tier- Rest

Posted By: The Truth
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#1  by: KD   

Nice try AXO 🤣

By: KD
#2  by: Honestly    

People are too scared to admit it…

By: Honestly
by: NopeJul 7, 2022 6:54:42 PM

Not scared to admit that axo isn’t top lmao

By: Nope
by: FactsJul 7, 2022 7:11:13 PM

Tri Delt hasn’t been legit top for awhile, they’ve just been coasting on their old rep

By: Facts
#3  by: What   

What even is this? AXO top??! And pika?!?

By: What
by: WellJul 7, 2022 7:05:23 PM

Some of the guys in pika are kinda girly 🤷‍♀️

By: Well
#4  by: More accurate   

This is way more accurate

Top Tier- Chi O, ADPi

Upper Middle- Tri Delt, Zeta, KD

Middle Tier-APhi, AXO

Lower Middle- Phi Mu, KKG, Pi Phi

By: More accurate
by: noJul 7, 2022 7:04:43 PM

Stop lumping phi mu with kkg. They’re the same as axo if anything else. This is not accurate

By: no
by: BruhJul 7, 2022 7:13:09 PM

Finally, an honest and objective ranking

By: Bruh
by: CloseJul 7, 2022 7:22:23 PM

Zeta below kd & tri delt then it’s better

By: Close
by: ehJul 7, 2022 10:06:53 PM

nah zeta shouldn’t be lumped with aphi and axo

By: eh
by: dudeJul 7, 2022 11:51:46 PM

move aphi up a tier and move phi mu up a tier to replace it

By: dude
by: uncJul 9, 2022 10:06:11 PM

This one makes sense

By: unc
#5  by: bru   

stop mentioning Mary Greer

By: bru
#6  by: NUTS   

Alpha Phi is top tier because that 1 member dropped

by: BruhJul 7, 2022 7:16:28 PM

They have plenty more psychos in there to take her place

By: Bruh
#7  by: um   

uhhh no offense axo girls are alright but they are nowhere near top tier

By: um
#8  by: Stay truth   

This is the only remotely correct set of rankings for the present day.

By: Stay truth
#9  by: duh   

this is right, axo has moved up

By: duh

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