
No Instagram, less chance of a preference bid?


Basically I don’t have a Instagram account, I deleted it sophomore year of hs due to the distraction and body dysmorphia issues. I want to rush in fall, pls be honest and tell me know if that makes me less likely to get a bid. I don’t have any social media accounts that I’m active on. It sucks, I keep hearing girls in a patio group chat talk about getting followed by sorority girls and etc. I just feel left out :(

Posted By: Still Mentally ill
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I’m currently involved in recruitment for a sorority here. We use instagram a lot in finding out who we like and finding pnms to reach out to to recruit, so I think you’ll still be sort of okay during recruitment, we just wouldn’t have any prior opinion or knowledge about you (wish it was like this for everyone tbh). do your best in recruitment :)

By: Active

You’ll be okay!! None of the girls in the sorority I’m in right now followed me before recruitment last year! Some sororities are encouraged to follow girls on Instagram specifically to see if they’re interested in rushing and that’s it! The girls in each chapter will get to know you during rush :) and there are girls in Greek life who don’t have instagrams either!!

By: Yas

Have fun only getting KKG or Pi Phi then loser

By: Facts
by: Be better    

Extremely unnecessary for you to call me a loser, Instagram caused me a severe eating disorder and body dysmorphia that ended with me in a hospital and rehab. I’m aware that others are not to blame for my triggers and that’s why I deleted Instagram. Before you make such comments, just take in consideration how that comment may make the receiver feel. Even though this comment is anonymous, it’s still a reflection of who you are and judging people based on their sorority rank is mean spirited and selfish because you just want a ego boost.

By: Be better

No one cares about your sob story idiot. Everyone has issues and aren’t freaks that delete every ounce of social media. I will be looking out for you during rush, and you will automatically be dropped from my sorority. Go back to rehab and enjoy KKG

By: Idiot
by: Stfu   

You definitely aren’t in a sorority shut up this is so awful

By: Stfu

Lol that person is probably in a sorority. We all get bids not based on pity, but we earn them. So, I can understand why this exuse would annoy current members. Personally, I would not care to listen to someone who has excuses for social media. I had to earn my bid fair and square

By: Ha

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by: Wrong   

Lots of girls don’t earn them, they get them because they simply went to a certain high school

By: Wrong

hi it’s me again. This thread is absolutely awful. It’s not a sob story; it’s a part of what gave you your perspective and outlook on life. Social media and sites like this CAN be harmful and you have every right to delete and or not create accounts. You’ll do incredible in rush, everyone knows instagram is just a highlight reel and it will all come down to how you are in person.
You’re incredibly brave and I hate that this thread has become so hostile, but it says a lot that these people sit here in anonymity and take jabs at people in their free time. It’s an incredibly lame thing to do. Keep healing, do what’s best for you, and you’ll do great. Also nothing about having trauma or a story makes receiving a bid unfair, at all. People are silly. Go crush it

By: stop
by: Hi   

As another active, you are incredibly brave for telling your story and being honest! I also have struggled with an ED and body dysmorphia throughout my life. You will thrive wherever you end up and panhel does philanthropy for ED awareness!! Don’t listen to these people, you are strong and your feelings are valid

By: Hi

You’re probably really big

By: Ah

A pity party for this pnm… how embarrassing

By: Omg

These responses are the most bizarre thing ever, I feel like everyone’s just bored in summer. Op Literally asked whether having an Instagram will influence her chances and then someone called them a loser for not having Instagram to then they explaining why they don’t have it and now everyone is attacking that person for wanting sympathy? I feel like if they wanted sympathy they would’ve put that in the original post. Y’all got a chill.

By: What is going on

Heres the answer you sought out for: you will be fine. You will find your group and you will have a good college experience and you do not need to worry what sorority letters it is under. What you need to do (like, right now) is to get off of this website. It is basically 4chan in a pair of golden gooses. It is where people wring out their insecurities about the letters they are under and where others defend their own behind the convenient cover of anonymity (the people commenting at you are likely deeply upset with themselves and have to put those emotions somewhere and would not ever say anything near their hurtful and heartless comments at a real person). The sad truth of the matter is that many people will join a group here while searching for an identity and put everything behind their letters, and instead of growing themselves. Don't do that.
I don't know you, I probably will never know you- but I believe in you. You'll be fine like the rest of 99.9% of every else. Just don't let a set of greek letters dictate your self worth, or you'll wind up sad, lonely, and putting other people down (cowardly and anonymously of course) on a website that should have probably died in 2014.

By: Post
by: Yes   

Yes she will be fine because she will end up with KKG! one of the nicest groups

By: Yes

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