
Which srats come up with their bid list before rush?

by: Honest

I've heard this is done with tridelt chio and kd, so does recruitment even matter for them if i go through it or are they just gonna disregard it bc they already have their lists? And do other sororities have this as well? What are they basing it off of

Posted By: Honest
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#1  by: Carolinagiiirl   

Those 3 pretty much come up with their bid lists beforehand through instagram/other stalking...zta adpi and aphi are probably the other three that try to curate their pc- still try your best and be honest during recruitment, neva know whats gonna happen

By: Carolinagiiirl
by: yaJul 4, 2022 10:43:50 PM

agree with this, tri delt, chi o, kd, zta, adpi, and aphi are all going to have a general idea of who they want in their upcoming pc, this doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get a bid if you aren’t on their ‘want’ list but it does make it harder, I’d say they mostly base who they want on connections, wealth, looks, and popularity as sad as that is

By: ya
#2  by: Yes   

Aphi and adpi stalk instagrams a lot. A lot of their members followed me before recruitment last year and kept inviting me back each round

By: Yes
by: SheinJul 4, 2022 10:19:44 PM

ADPi did this to me with multiple members before recruitment last year but I got dropped after 1st round idk why lol

By: Shein
by: TbhJul 5, 2022 2:27:03 PM

I bet every sorority stalks instagrams, they’d be foolish not to

By: Tbh
#3  by: good word   

most notorious would be adpi, kd, and tri delt. Zta and aphi too, ik some of these don’t do a full chapter vote either, just have a team that votes. other chapters have everyone vote on every girl and so more people get a chance

By: good word
#4  by: tea    

I’ve mostly heard of xo doing this

By: tea
#5  by: unc   

KD always promises bids to girls from certain high schools which doesn’t make sense because the fact that they went to xyz high school doesn’t mean they’re a good match for kd

By: unc
#6  by: Best   

I don’t know of any sorority that has a bid list but most/all of them definitely have a list of MVPs/ 5 stars/ etc that they are very interested in and want to heavily recruit. Girls on the list might be a legacy or a friend from high school or camp or even a celebrity

By: Best
by: TrueJul 5, 2022 3:35:22 PM

Every sorority has some type of form that girls can fill out with people’s names and stuff but obviously if you know someone in a sorority they vouch for you (or vouch against you lol). However that doesn’t always mean you’ll end up in that sorority bc it depends on who you talk to and how they score you

By: True
#7  by: Idk   

Haven’t heard

By: Idk

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