
Seriously can’t believe all fake rich people


I’m so glad that this topic is finally being discussed. I know from first-hand experience that some of these girls are not rich because I literally went to the same middle school and high school. It literally blows my mind how for the past two years, all the girls I know from high school have been putting on this for show of being super wealthy and rich when in reality it’s none of that. I wish people would just be themselves and stop leading these fake lives. They’re only going to go on to regret this when they graduate college and realize that it’s tiring faking your life and that your friends are only friends with the version of yourself you created not the real one.

Posted By: Phony
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This is so true and it’s sad that these girls think they have to be something they aren’t. I’m from Winston-Salem and unless the girls i went to high school with recently won the lottery, they aren’t rich even though they’re trying to act like it now. UNC tuition is so cheap for in state kids that most middle-upper middle class families should have money available to buy some golden gooses or fancy clothes but that doesn’t mean they’re rich. It just shows the people that knew them from their hometown how fake they’ve become

By: Amen
by: kevin   

A lot of girls from Charlotte do that too and even the LKN area girls act like that and they’re so obvious

By: kevin

Majority of DDD is like that. I don't know why people fear them or why they act so elite, bc they are barely able to afford dues...

By: Haha
by: Lmao   

For a year or so after she marries for money and then she will be a housewife who makes her husband work long hours to support her spending habits

By: Lmao
by: Sorry no   

All the nopes. Not a requirement to join because they are actually nice, but to label them as posers with no money is dead wrong. You haven’t done your homework.

By: Sorry no
by: Truth   

kd is the worst for this and it’s so transparent. The girls I know in there are some of the fakest tryhards I’ve ever met

By: Truth

Difference between being rich and being spoiled

By: Yeah

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Anyone who pays to send their kid to private school or boarding school so their kid can go to college at UNC is an idiot bc if you’re spending that much for high school your kid should be able to get in to an elite school that’s way more competitive than UNC

By: Dumb
by: Dumber   

Lmao at this bc it’s true

By: Dumber
by: bro   

u def dont understand college admissions or rich ppl if youre saying this lol...some ppl choose to send their kids to those institutions for the better education and connections and experience that comes with it. also some kids don't want to go to some "elite" school with a toxic culture of competitiveness. UNC is the right fit for some ppl. I was admitted to an ivy and chose UNC because it matched my ideals more

By: bro
by: Yep   

Facts. If you’re paying thousands to send your kid to an elite private high school, there’s no reason for them not to go to an Ivy. If not, literally what is the point

By: Yep
by: No clue   

You obviously have no idea what it takes to get into an ivy. If you aren’t a damn near perfect ACT and SAT with straight As in every AP who published research and won a national science scholarship or a legacy who plays a sport or grandpa gave a library forgetabboutit. UNC is practically an ivy for OOS.

By: No clue

Plssss this girl I knew from my sports club would literally always talk about how broke and poor she is like not even $10 for lunch type of poor. She lived in Wilmington and one weekend we decided to take a weekend trip, plssss tell me why this girl literally lives in a mason AND has a beach house all together probably worth like 8 million. Sophomore year she also got a apartment at Carolina square that literally was $2000 a month with parking. I swear most rich people just like to cosplay as poor and most poor people just like to act rich.

By: Likewhat
by: Nodrama    

That’s hilarious! Good for her for keeping it on the dl and not rubbing it in everyone’s face. I’ll take that kind of fake.

By: Nodrama
by: Wrong   

The most annoying people here are the ones that try to act all pretentious but constantly bum stuff off you because they say they don’t have money and promise to pay you back later but never do

By: Wrong
by: Truth   

To be fair, her parents are rich. She isn’t.

By: Truth

A girl I went to high school with is in kd and she lives in a modular home that is a small step above a trailer and it cracks me up that she tries to act all snobby now when she gets her clothes from Poshmark, eBay and thrifting. I will never understand why she feels the need to be so fake

By: Lol
by: Animal   

Yes! I know exactly who you’re referring to, wtf is wrong with that girl

By: Animal

In my perspective people from New York City, California, and Florida have the most money at this school

By: Facts
by: Not really   

They are just used to living in expensive places which doesn’t mean there is more $ by any means. Cost of living is way higher there as related to professional salaries. Probably the opposite in terms of long-term outlook.

By: Not really

The truly rich are too busy studying so they can properly manage their trust funds and certainly couldn’t care less what others think of them because it doesn’t matter. They don’t bother trying to “look” rich. The richest people I know fly way under the radar.

By: In the know


By: JLo

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