
sorority rankings after new PC classes


TriDelt / ADPi / Chi O
A Phi / Phi Mu
Pi Phi / KKG

Posted By: truth
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By: Anonymous

axo outdid Aphi this year, congrats girls!

By: Facts
by: fsr   

Y’all killed it this year!

By: fsr
by: hm   

i wonder who could have posted this.... def not an axo...

By: hm
by: ??   

This is just false from what I’ve seen and heard. Although I do love AXO and I’m sure they did well, APhi did great this year too. According to exec people I know, the amount of girls who wanted APhi each round shot up this year (probably because of their new house) which meant they were able to be more selective. At the very least, they did the same. Not to mention the AXO New York theme was kinda weird.

By: ??

Switch KD and ADPi. The top girls are deciding between DDD/KD/CHI O. Many girls decide between the three and will choose KD over the other two. No one is choosing ADPi over KD.

By: jjsjs
by: yup   


By: yup
by: Yikes…   

This is absolutely not true and it’s so sad to see KDs trolling this site to try and stay relevant :/

By: Yikes…
by: What   

What do you mean by “top girls”? Private school girls are not necessarily top girls, there are lots of awesome public school girls that go through recruitment every year and are overlooked by certain sororities because of their high school or hometown. These girls are sought after by lots of sororities (not ddd or kd) because they are smart enough to see the value of these girls because they take the opportunity to really talk to them during recruitment.

By: What
by: unc   

I’m curious about the top girl comment too. How does someone who can barely keep a conversation going for 5 minutes determine whether or not I’m a top girl? I definitely didn’t consider her a top girl but somehow she got a bid at a top tier sorority.

By: unc
by: Dnsjh   

I met a lot of girls during recruitment who said they really didn’t like kd and felt like they were very dry so I wouldn’t say that’s true. I think a lot of girls would pick adpi over kd

By: Dnsjh
by: Wrong   

I’m happy I’m not in a top tier because this is so ridiculous to worry about with everything going on in the world right now. That being said, I know people who have chosen adpi over kd, i also know people who have chosen zeta, axo and Aphi over kd. Your top girls comment is nonsense because your definition of a top girl is probably very different than someone else’s and based on your comments you definitely don’t qualify as a top girl

By: Wrong
by: stfu   


By: stfu
by: Wrong   

This is false. I preffed kd and a middle tier sorority and chose that house over kd. I know other girls who have too and this kind of attitude from KD is probably why they’ve had to give out snap bids every single year for at least the last 3 years, maybe more. Obviously girls are choosing a lot of other srats over kd and that’s why kd has to offer bids to girls they originally didn’t want in their chapter.

By: Wrong

This is pretty much always the definitive list

By: Unc


By: fr

kappas pc was literally like 25 girls so they are bottom under pi phi

By: yup
by: Why?   

Why are you spending your time pointing out that Kappa is having a hard time? What exactly do you get out of this? Obviously they want to meet quota. Kappa is not a threat so why not wish them well and build each other up?

P.S. I am a Kappa but at a school where we’re top tier. It’s sad to see them struggling at UNC and even sadder to see people kicking them while they’re down. If you feel the need to go after a struggling chapter, well I have no nice words.

By: Why?


By: H


By: H

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does zeta even still exist? lollll.

By: y’all thought …

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