
is it true that kd didn't reach quota this year?


I heard this but i'm not sure how much quota was

Posted By: heels
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They missed by 4, i think

By: True
by: Yikes    

Definitely more than 4

By: Yikes
by: unc   

Missed by minimum 10

By: unc

No, that was ADPi

By: Hmm
by: Panhel   

No, it was most definitely kd. It’s a pattern with kd, happens every year sadly

By: Panhel
by: no   

adpi had one of their best years yet

By: no

Only DDD and XO met full quota this year, every other chapter is doing COBs as of now! Although it doesn’t really matter, KD girls and every other sorority are still great even if they didn’t get a full PC!

By: As far as I know

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by: Apple just    

Pretty sure kd hit quota too?

By: Apple just
by: state   

adpi not doing COB

By: state
by: ??   

This is just not true? My chapter is not doing COBs right now and I’m not in DDD or Chi O. I’ve been told we hit quota.

By: ??
by: Nope   

ddd, xo, adpi, zta, axo, Aphi all made quota. Not sure if kd is doing cob or just snap bids

By: Nope
by: Nope   

Zeta made quota

By: Nope

kd had like 55 new members... pretty sure that’s meeting quota lol

By: what
by: Sucks    

Yeah but they need even more than that because their retention rate is so bad and a lot of girls have dropped

By: Sucks
by: Yikes…   

KD gives out STUPID amounts of snap bids every year….

By: Yikes…
by: ok   

well they didn’t this year so chill out

By: ok
by: Yeah   

Maybe 55 members after the snap bids. Someone’s a little salty lol

By: Yeah
by: truth   

snap bids count towards quota so even if they have 55 now, they might not have originally without the snap bids

By: truth

kappas pc was literally like 25 girls so definitely doing cob

By: yup
by: Wondering   

How many more girls did kappa get from cob?

By: Wondering
by: Curious   

Will kappa and kd be doing spring rush? I didn’t rush last fall and prefer the concept of doing a smaller informal rush process and was curious if these sororities are planning to do this and also what other sororities will be doing it. I heard different things about pi phi so i don’t know for sure if they are yet so i want to know what my options are

By: Curious
by: unc gal   

Probably only kappa, pi phi and maybe phi Mu are doing spring rush but I’d wait until fall unless I really want to be in one of these 3 because you’ll have more options in the fall

By: unc gal

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