
Rush based on looks

by: curious

What srats at UNC are known for rushing girls based mostly on looks alone??

Posted By: curious
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#1  by: Wut   

None, that’s ridiculous. Some sororities might consider looks as a higher priority than others but no sorority recruits on just looks. Every sorority here has pretty girls and girls that might not be super attractive but have other positive qualities that make them awesome.

By: Wut
by: NoAug 10, 2021 7:45:15 PM

Not true. Many srats do this

By: No
#2  by: Dumb   


By: Dumb
#3  by: most   

alpha phi

By: most
by: AAug 11, 2021 6:53:20 PM

Yea aphi nationals is known for forcing their chapters to rush/score based on looks. A lot of it is done behind the scenes by the advisors and rush chairs, so it’s not the aphi girls themselves pushing it (the members are even scored based on looks in order to match the “hottest” aphis with the “hottest” pnm’s during rush)

By: A
by: bruhAug 11, 2021 9:34:09 PM

Y’all really out here ignoring the dirty rushing that sororities like tri delt and chi o are doing where they focus solely on the rich and pretty girls with connections. You’re really gonna call out APhi, an average mid tier with nice girls, instead?

By: bruh
#4  by: A   

@bruh - it’s just facts that alpha phi internationals (their HQ) pushes an appearance-based recruitment policy. Documents have been leaked online and individual chapters & alums have confirmed it publicly and asked aphi leadership to stop. It’s not the unc aphi girls’ fault - they get screwed over too when their votes on pnms are secretly overridden by “external scores” (the rating a pnm gets based on looks).

Yea we’ve all heard about houses like tridelt and chi o focusing on connections/wealth/looks but the question was about “mostly looks alone”. Aphi’s HQ literally has an official policy for rushing based on looks.

By: A
by: TruthAug 13, 2021 8:51:20 AM

No but this is really true. I’m friends with a lot of girls in Alpha Phi and have heard them complain about it. It’s definitely coming straight from nationals, not the local chapter. Not to say they don’t recruit based upon anything else, but they do care a lot about looks.

By: Truth
by: LolAug 13, 2021 11:55:53 AM

Make aphi nationals push this but if you’ve seen the UNC chapter you’ll know that there are lots of physically unattractive girls in it, plus some of them are seriously whack. I’d rather be in a sorority with average/cute girls that are mentally stable over a sorority with hot psychos any day but whatever floats your boat

By: Lol
#5  by: Oh No   

This is a dumb topic

By: Oh No

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