
Are the recently unrecognized frats still rushing


I heard that phi gam and ksig are gonna be able to live in their house next year and received their charters back. Does this mean they will be rushing as per usual and if so do you expect them to get sizable pledge classes to account for their setbacks? Also, what’s the word on Beta? I heard they haven't really made any progress from a national standpoint.

Posted By: Curious
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In my experience, it’s very dicey to join any frat suspended (not recognized) by the university. Proceed at your own risk w/ “underground” frats.

by: ^   

Kappa sig is getting reinstated from the university very soon according to their executive council

By: ^
by: Who cares   

Kappa sig is not good

By: Who cares

Personally I would steer clear of these 3 in the fall, way too many unknowns with all of them

By: Kevin

First of all, chances are if you did join them there’s still more to be said and done about what happened and they aren’t off that easy so proceed with caution. Second of all if beta and phi gam were rushing you’d know because they would contact you. They know who they’re bidding before the semester even starts

By: Lol

Yeah, definitely have to be careful, don’t want to be like Phi Delts pledge class last fall, accepting a bid to a frat and then finding out after the fact that they were in serious trouble, and then not actually going to have a fraternity to join at all. All those guys got screwed.

By: Yup

It sounds like they’re all going to be ok in the long run but just proceed at your own risk. Also keep in mind it was a few bad apples that ruined the entire batch but unfortunately, the organizations as a whole have had to deal with the mess

By: Unc

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by: BS   

A few bad apples? Brothers, especially those living in these houses, knew what was going on and did nothing to stop it. Whole fraternities are entirely complicit. I’d like to think my brothers/friends would call me out if I was doing something dangerous and stupid that was putting my entire frat at risk. Weak af. But go ahead and join these underground “frats” if that’s the kind of people you want to associate with.

By: BS
by: Yep   

GDI alert

By: Yep
by: rlly   

nobody ever said to join these frats

By: rlly

Kappa sig already heard back from the university stating they will be reinstated very soon. Not sure about beta and phi gam though

By: Update

If beta and phi gam were having rush dude they would already have reached out to you about it. Focus on other frats. Slim chance to get a bid to any frat without connections. Especially those

By: Lmao
by: Truth    

That’s not true- I know several kids at both that got bids without connections- beta and phi gam are just fine snd will have pledge classes-

By: Truth

Just read that. Had no idea. details are Pretty damning. Def more than “a few bad apples”

By: Wow

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