
Fraternity Transfer


Thinking about transferring to chapel hill in fall. im already initiated in a fraternity chapter at another school, and that chapter is established at unc as well. If I were to transfer and rush again would I have to go with that same chapter at unc or would I be able to join a different fraternity if I liked them better? I know once ur initiated into a chapter you’re not technically allowed to join a different fraternity but wanna see if it’s possible to join like off the record or something

Posted By: Top SEC beast
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It’s probably been done before. You should reach out to the chapter directly. They’d want to get to know you pretty well first.

By: Yah

Depends on what chapter tbh. What frat were you in?

By: Probably

Very unlikely bro. I’ve researched this. “All national fraternities are part of the National Interfraternity Conference (NIC). The NIC explicitly states that you cannot join another fraternity if you have already been initiated into one.” When you were initiated, you became part of a database at your nationals and NIC. However, there are rare instances that you could petition for an exception. You could request your nationals for release (which they won’t do without an extraordinary circumstance) or become officially expelled or disassociated from your current fraternity. Both require permission from your nationals and an official paper trail. Can’t do links here but Google “The Fraternity Advisor can I quit my frat and join another.”

By: Nah

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by: I tried   

Can’t do it off the record. the info you give fraternity/nationals has to be the same as what is on record at UNC. That’s how grades, housing, etc are reported between nationals, UNC, IFC/NIC.

By: I tried

You could always transfer your membership if you choose to join the same fraternity you’re already in and not have to pledge again (to my knowledge). We had a guy in my fraternity who transferred from another school and dropped his membership there and pledged with us so it is possible if you want to go that route. Doubt you want to pledge again tho

By: Unc

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