
What the “tiers” recruit off of


This is really all you need to know about how the UNC sorority “tiers” recruit. None of these make them objectively better than the others. Just speaking facts.

Top - DDD, XO, KD
Money or where you went to school, occasionally looks (but rarely).

Middle - ADPi, APhi, AXO, ZTA
Looks, personality, popularity.

Bottom - Phi Mu, Pi Phi, KKG, SSS
Personality, sisterhood.

Posted By: Honest
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Based on these descriptions your so-called middle and bottom tiers are most desirable. I’d personally rather be around attractive girls with great personalities than chubby girls who went to a private school that cost less than my out of state tuition

By: Yes

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by: Yea   

Lots of girls would rather be in a sorority that recruits based off personality or fun, but they only think they want to go into XYZ sorority because it’s “top tier”. Teenagers are stupid though. I’m a senior with friends in all the “tiers” and I know plenty of girls who regret their decisions and don’t fit in with their sorority in the top tier. Some girls don’t want to get out of their comfort zone though, and they do just fine in the “top” houses because they already knew half the girls in it.

By: Yea
by: Yep   

This makes sense

By: Yep

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