
Is pike low top now?


As a freshmen, I’ve seen a lot more “top-tier” qualities in pika then in sig chi or sig nu. I’m open to disagreements, but we can all agree I have a good point.

Posted By: Fr
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A pika definitely wrote this because nobody outside of that house thinks that pika is any higher than mid tier at best lmao every other house hates them for a reason

By: Lmao
by: Yes!   


By: Yes!
by: Nah   

Nobody at unc calls them pike

By: Nah

No bro

By: L

Not sure what all the pika hate is about, they got a great pledge class this sem and I’ve never heard anything bad about them. Would definitely consider them low-top tier

By: Polly
by: Lance   


By: Lance

is this a joke....

By: unc

Omg they’re so top tier when they run out of alc at 10pm

By: Pika top tier

Sig nu and sae are better

By: Sig Chi

Dude just dropped a lid of acid. Pika; lmao. They are mid tier at best. Who the fvk wrote this post? Whoever did needs to seek treatment ASAP. SMH. WTF.

By: Lid

Honestly, pika has a better location than SAE, better sorority relationships then Sig Nu, and a better basketball court then Sig Chi. Last I checked me and all my friends thought pika was low top. Also they have a dope house.

By: Lucas —
by: Lol   

You gotta be some type of boring if you and your friends sit around and discuss whether or not a fraternity is “top tier”

By: Lol

I’d say that there is truth to this. They got a huge pledge class this year (bigger than Phi Delt’s), and they are have a pretty giant basketball court.

By: ::

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by: ?   

By sorority girls did you mean wack freshmen?

By: ?
by: not a “wack freshman”   

actually i’m a sophomore in a top tier sorority and i have found that i like pika the most of all of the other frats (including some in the big 4). the guys are just chill and more fun.

By: not a “wack freshman”

I don’t know but a lot of sorority girls like them so that counts for something.

By: Hmm
by: Srat   

Uh ...no we don’t. PiKA a lower tier frat with lower tier talent. There are about a dozen other frats that are better.

By: Srat
by: @srat   

clearly ur wrong because i’m a sorority girl and i like pika sooooo

By: @srat
by: Yes   

I’m in a top tier and my sisters all like pika because they’re nice guys with no douchebags like certain other frats here

By: Yes

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