
The falls of some sratss


KD and XO losing identity

AXO you can literally see the quality of girls going down/awkwardness go up.

GJ to the other chapters.

Posted By: rip
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This is spot on and so amusing to watch kd and xo try so desperately to grab onto their previous standing

By: Unc

Xo and kd lost their identity a few years ago and need to get past the bad idea of filling their chapter with girls from their hometown, this is why they aren’t getting the best new members

By: Ese

This is my opinion for what its worth. I have some close friends that are kds and they aren't thrilled to be there because they are excluded from a lot of things and just don't feel like part of the group in general. They stick it out because they'd rather be in kd that not in greek life at all but they aren't happy. That's sad to see because that is not what the greek experience is supposed to be.

By: my thoughts
by: Sad   

Tbh I’ve heard the same thing from a couple of my Tri Delt friends, it’s sad.

By: Sad

I almost feel bad for the out of state kd freshmen because they are the epitome of tryhards but they really aren’t part of the clique

By: Draco
by: observer   

There's one in particular, bless her heart she is trying so hard to conform but she'll never really be part of the clique

By: observer
by: Honey   

It’s painful to watch those girls on gameday, like I actually want to say something to them.

By: Honey
by: Yes   

Is MG that bad? Why do girls talk so much junk about her behind her back?

By: Yes

kd, xo and axo are definitely the 3 most declining for a variety of reasons. I think Aphi is going to continue to improve and think everyone else will stay constant.

By: unc
by: Agreed   

ADPi will be strong top tier and maybe even pull girls that would typically go DDD. They recruit VERY well and have for the last few years. Agree that APhi is getting stronger too. I think ZTA will stay at the top of the middle tier, and APhi will be their main competitor. Phi Mu could take AXO’s place in the middle tier in my opinion. Girls don’t care as much about going XO or KD anymore. KD especially is experiencing a major fall from grace.

By: Agreed
by: Agree   

Adpi already does pull some girls from DDD because adpi is generally seen as more inclusive and diverse than DDD. Agree with you on zta and Aphi but think phi Mu and axo will be pretty equal. From what I know about xo and kd this year they both got specific girls from certain areas that were already friends but not many girls that were really sought after by DDD or adpi.

By: Agree

kd is like a bunch of clones, so dull and unoriginal. xo, I don’t even know where to begin with them. axo has a very random mix of new girls.

By: Raif


By: Yes

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