
POLL: APhi v AXO? Rankings all say different things


Posted By: curious
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interesting... know this was just posted but still

By: huh

Yes, alpha phi is new and axo is established. However, axo has been falling for the past few years. Alpha phi did well with recruitment this year and i would say they did better than axo, plus they have a house that will help strengthen their sisterhood and also their position on campus in the future. For these reasons I believe alpha phi is trending up and axo is trending down.

By: Hmm
by: lol   

You forgot to mention that alpha phi patrols this website

By: lol

I like them both....like seriously they both have amazing girls why are you trying to start drama between them

By: Unnecessary

i like them both and they are very similar both really genuine but still fun girls But yeah a lot of ppl say axo trending down and aphi trending up

By: hi
by: Yes   

I agree with all of this

By: Yes

They have completely different kinds of girls so you’re really comparing apples to oranges. They compete with KD and Phi Mu.

By: Well
by: Hi   

Assuming you mean AXO competes with KD and Phi Mu. I’d say A Phi goes for more girls who end up dispersed between ADPi, ZTA, and APhi.

By: Hi
by: lmao   

axo does not "compete" w kappa delta... they compete w phi mu, ZTA, and aphi. I think aphi competes within the mid tier but also tries to go for a few girls that top sororities want every year, mainly adpi and ddd

By: lmao
by: LOL   

At this point, AXO does compete with KD. They’re both middle tier.


I'd say they are very similar status wise but just attract different types of girls. Both have amazing people in them, no need to compare!!

By: unc

why is this so close

By: hm
by: unc   

Because axo told everyone to vote for them but it didn’t work

By: unc

Aphi is on the rise but axo has really struggled the past few years during recruitment and are going downhill

By: Eh

Alpha Phi is better than axo but it doesn’t really matter because they’re still both middle tier

By: omg

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by: Frat   

Aphi got some psychos this year so I’d definitely date an axo over an Aphi any day

By: Frat

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