
KD girls who just accepted your bids


Please don’t listen to the bs people say on greekrank. If you think your sorority is where you’re meant to be, don’t let anyone stop you

Posted By: Cmon
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The only “BS” people say here is that KD is no longer top tier. And it’s not BS anymore.

If their feelings are hurt because people are saying they’re not top tier, and they joined because they thought KD was top tier, that’s 100% on them.

By: Lol

join for the girls and the sisterhood, not for the tiers

By: uh

New kd members, the stuff people say about your new sorority is true. Nobody except your little group of high school friends wanted kd and most PNMs were completely bored with them during recruitment. They went all the way to the bottom of their bid list and still couldn’t hit quota so they had to offer snap bids and COBs to people they originally didn’t want because those girls weren’t good enough.

By: Lol

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by: unc   

Sad but total truth

By: unc
by: ug   

lmao im not in KD but they got 58 new members... doesn’t sound like they had to do a lot of snap bidding to me...

By: ug
by: Hilarious   

@ug if they got 58 new members they were definitely offering snap bids and doing cob because everyone knows that’s how it works. If quota was 43, that means that’s the maximum number allowed (except for quota additions but that only equals a few extra girls). No way kd got 15 extra new members from recruitment alone.

By: Hilarious
by: what   

lmfao ur an idiot u can’t snap bid unless ur under quota soooo. also tri delt and chi o did snap bids so don’t think you’re fooling anyone.

By: what

This goes for all sororities. Keep in mind anyone making nasty/petty comments or trying to pit houses against each other usually has an agenda.

By: Tbh

KD is still top 4 and above zeta

By: yes
by: Yo   

Um no way. Just stop

By: Yo

Yes, KD had to offer snap bids and some COB’s. ADPi did too. TRUTH

By: Hheellzz
by: news    

Adpi gave COBs but no snaps. Kd didn’t fill their PC requirement and gave both snaps and COBs.

By: news

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