
fraternity tiers


this year's tiers based on rush and social:

dke/phi delt/beta/chi phi

sae/phi gam/kappa sig

ato/sigma chi

the rest

Posted By: tarheel
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phi gam has no social but you put them second. sigma chi is broke and you put them with ato. shut up you sigma chi try hard.

By: lol

Chi Phi is at least one step below DKE, Beta, and Phi Delt. It's not close either.

By: Questionable

No chi phi is fine where it is. They've always been borderline 1st/2nd tier, but this past rush they killed it and are definitely just as good as those other three. The only thing that is questionable about this list is kappa sig in the second tier. Phi gam and SAE are much much better than kappa sig.

By: Heels

Does kappa sig even throw parties?

By: ?

Yeah what's going on with Kappa Sig? Does Kappa Sig even mix with Tri Delt/ADPi/KD? No one even goes when they have a party, anyways.

Chi Phi still probably isn't in the 1st tier too, they got a big class but over half the guys were balled from everywhere in the Big 4 and SAE.

By: Uhh

From DKE/Phi Delt/Beta/Chi Phi/SAE/Phi Gam (or however you want to order those six) to Kappa Sig is a massive drop. The original poster is almost certainly a Kappa Sig.

By: Not Quite

Original order is correct, but move kappa sig down one tier. Chi phi definitely is top tier and you'd be pretty hard pressed to convince anyone otherwise. And the other poster is correct there are the six main fraternities (DKE, Phi Delt, Beta, Chi Phi, Phi Gam, SAE), and then there is a huge drop.

By: Tar

Everything is on point but Kappa Sig. There is no way they come even close to Phi Gam. That is a complete joke. Phi Gam is also better than SAE and deserves to be in the top. Chi Phi has definitely proved itself top tier this year by killing it with rush and having great parties. DKE and Beta are up there for good reason and that will never change. Phi Delt's typical doucheyness isn't helping them but they got a good pledge class and have fun parties most of the time.

By: Almost Right

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by: welllllll   

i would never say phi gam is even close to SAE. phi gam doesn't mix, doesn't have parties, and don't really do anything. ever.

By: welllllll

DKE/Beta/Phi Delt
Phi Gam/SAE/Chi Phi

The only fraternities that socially matter.

By: Nah

The crazy hat party Phi Delt had was SO sick! Definitely put Phi Delt a tier above DKE and Beta!


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