
sigep at unc


How is sigep at unc..in terms or mixers (who they even mix with), parties, philanthropy, etc.. I'm currently trying to decide whether or not to accept my bid there.

Posted By: heel13
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I don't really know who they mix with, or if they really mix. Slugfest is their big party and has been forever.

If you have a bid in hand, you should have some idea of what the house is like. Did you like the guys there and fit in with them? That's more important than tiers, rankings, and so on. If you fit in and like it there and don't have any other bids, then why not accept? If you realize that you hate it during pledging, drop out and go some else next semester.

By: Well...

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they suck. try again in the spring and dont go to a bottom tier house

By: haha
by: LOL   

^ This sounds like a butthurt lower/middle tier bro. If you like Sig Ep, go Sig Ep. Otherwise, don't pledge there.


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