
selection process


The whole process is degrading to those girls that don't get "chosen". 90% is about who you know! I would recommend most girls should not "pay" to find your friends. You will get more out of just being a student and joining other groups that don't "rate" you like sororities do. Long term you may make 4-5 really good friends from being in a sorority. The rest of the girls you will never hear from again or want to hear from them...and yes I speak from experience! Nothing wrong with being a GDI !!

Posted By: oldsister
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Sorry you didn't get a bid. Get good grades and maybe they'll give you one next year as a sophomore.

By: Sorry
by: oldsister   

Again ive been there and done it. Was a member of a very well known sorority at another southern university years ago. I have spoken with a number of girls and parents at UNC about this year's rush. I am appalled at how UNC allows young girls to be degraded by the rush process. My intent is not to speak to the girls that got "in" but to let those that did not get in not define their self worth by being in a sorority...long term its not that big of a deal.

By: oldsister

A ton of girls didn't "get bids" because they dropped out.

By: No

'A ton of girls didn't get bids because they dropped' ...because the majority of houses didn't extend invites past round 1/2 to girls that fit socially with the types of girls in the houses they were dropped from - beautiful, popular, succesful girls from high school that fit with a certain crowd growing up but were not accepted during rush with the same crowd. I think these girls were too self confident to settle with a different house with girls that were so different from them ie lower tier. I give credit to these girls as it speaks volumes in their knowing they will have no problem socially and don't need a house to validate themselves. I think it is too bad for them to not experience a sorority / sisterhood but really give them credit for knowing they don't have to accept a house they don't fit in with just because the ones they fit with rejected them. I really hope recruitment improves at UNC.

By: GreekAlum
by: Kidding Right?   

"Too self confident to settle with a different house with girls that were so different from them ie lower tier." I read a bunch of crap on this website but that may be one of the most pompous, arrogant posts ever. So Suzie Snowflake wasn't picked by the "top tier" and she thinks she's too good for the other tiers. Some girls and their mommas need to do some serious growing up.

By: Kidding Right?

I definitely feel for those girls who didn't settle, but wanted to be in a sorority. This years recruitment was a total bust for a lot of fun, gorgeous, smart girls that would've otherwise been accepted if it wasn't all about who you know.

By: Agreed
by: Um   

All of the sororities at UNC have fantastic girls and I don't think the girls who dropped because they didn't get a bid/didn't get invited back to the "top tier" sororities should be praised for their decision... Give every house a chance. You might find that you love the house you didn't expect to love. And if you don't, you can always drop before initiation. It's arrogant to drop just because you got a bid from a "lower tier" sorority.

By: Um

One thing you must learn. Life is all about who you know ;)

By: Uh

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How can you know that many people if you just got here? I mean really. Unless you came from Charlotte, Raleigh, or Wilmington, you're not going to know that many girls.

By: Yeah but
by: seriously   

you would think that people would want to meet NEW people when they go to college...not the same ones from their hometown or high school.

By: seriously

are allowed to invite back "x" number of women based on their "return rate"-a compilation of several years statistics the assess how many invitations are accepted back to a certain round based on the number of invitations that the sorority extended. So the sororities are inviting back the number of women they are allowed to invite per Greek Life. The higher your success rate, the less women, the lower your success rate, the more women you can invite. If all those women had stayed in the process and signed bid cards, they most likely would have received a bid. It is rare that a PNM would attend pref. parties and not receive a bid. More often than not, the PNM does not like the invitations that she has received, and she chooses to drop out rather than try to find common ground with the sororities that did want to get to know her better.

By: Houses

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