
lasrt names?


Some of my friends said that as they were leaving some houses yesterday the girl rushing them asked for their last name? No one at any house asked for mine, does that mean im automatically out? Im really nervous for tonight and want to make a better impression

Posted By: pnm
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aren't you all wearing nametags? maybe the sisters couldn't read their last names or they didn't put them on the nametag. I wouldn't worry too much

By: ?

I would probably not worry for another minute about this.

By: ...

Not a good sign at all :(

By: UNC1

this literally means NOTHING. don't read into it at all :)

By: lol

no this doesnt mean anything. in sororities they break the girls up into groups of 3 to 5 girls who all will talk to the same rushing girls. so the last girl has to remember the name of the rushers so that the group can make sure they are ranking the same girl

By: adsfg

And...The houses that consider themselves top tier already know who they want before you even walk in the door. It really doesn't matter at all what you say, what you wear, or if they get your name throughout recruitment.

By: .....
by: True   

It's true. They have their pledge classes already made up in their minds. You can be the most amazing person ever but if you didn't go to Myers Park or Broughton High School with them, you don't stand a chance. The so-called lower and middle tier sororities are much more open-minded towards everyone. Don't you want to meet NEW people in college?

By: True
by: Hey Now   

^ Don't leave out Charlotte Country Day, Durham Academy, or Ravenclaw.

By: Hey Now
by: .   

^ You mean Ravenscroft, right?

By: .
by: ...   

So true...what is so bad is these great girls that feel so 'connected' to and 'accepted' by these houses only to get cut ...left to choose from houses they didn't connect/ fit with. Don't settle for a bid from a house you don't truly feel connected to if you are cut from house/ houses that you thought really felt right. Better to drop than settle for a group you know truly doesn't fit you. Self esteem killer for sure if you do --- not worth all that ---happens every year and shouldn't. Life goes on at UNC and you can have fun with or without a house --- keep your dignity if this happens to you. It's not personal; just the way it is.

By: ...

I will say, however, that there are amazing girls in every sorority and Rush is an artificial representation of each house. You can't possibly get an accurate feel for a house by talking to a fraction of its members. Go ahead and accept a bid, give it a try and meet as many girls as possible. You can always quit before initiation and rush again the next year. I bet you'll feel at home more than you expect you will if you just give them a chance.

By: But....

However.....If you drop after accepting a bid on a chance that you may eventually feel comfortable in a house you didn't feel was the right fit throughout rush week ruins any successful future rush opportunities. The point of rushing is to find the house you fit in with - with the hope/ expectation it is mutual. If your bid is a house you know is not your fit - dropped from the one(s) you did - you are better off not accepting the bid rather than accepting, trying to fit in because you settled, then dropping as a pledge. Most PNMs know whether or not they feel a connection to a house after round 1 --- intuition --- life experiences and it stays true throughout the process -- good or bad.

By: ....

Responding to the original post, don't worry at all about not being asked your last name. Recruitment really is just a game of returns. Houses that have more girls pick them are able to be more selective. Asking for a last name is a trick that one particular house uses to get girls' hopes up. (they asked my last name??? Omg they must want me! I'll put them first) don't let it worry you if they didn't ask your last name. All of the girls that you talked to in a round know who you are before you even walk through their door. They know your last name. If not, their recruitment chair isn't doing their job.
Go wherever you feel welcome and that "fit". It may be a top tier sorority, or it may not. But just know that you'll be stuck with these girls for the next four years. Every sorority has awesome girls, so if you really don't get your first choice, stick it out for a few weeks. Houses usually have a trial membership period where you don't have to pay any dues, and it really doesn't hurt to get to know people, even if you do decide to eventually drop. A sorority was fun my freshmen year, provided me with a wealth of friends my sophomore year, and supported me through some tough times my junior year. There may be some things I don't like about being in a sorority (hello no booze, no boys), but overall it has been an immensely positive experience that I can't imagine my life without.

By: Don't worry

now, since rush is over, but it could have been as simple as they were told to get the complete name of the PNMs so that if there are three Brittanys, or three Katies, or three Brookes, and two of the three have last names that begin with the same letter, that rush group 1 knows that they met Brittany Adams and rush group 3 knows that they met Brittany Andrews.

By: I know this is moot

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