
diversity in big 4 ifc


Unc is a school full of diversity, but we need way more diversity in the big four frats at UNC. There is one black kid in Phi Delt and One Indian pledge at Beta. We need more brothas and brown boys representing the big four opposed to all white kids, smh it's looking like Bama with our big IFC frats. We should aim for the diversity UT and UVA have in their top frats.

Posted By: NEED IT
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It’s not happening. There’s a systemic dislike of minorities at top fraternities that just won’t go away anytime soon, as much as it sucks. When you’re Indian for example you’re literally competing against other Indian kids in rush and are going to have a harder time getting a bid- I’ve seen it happen to lots of people and even my own fraternity does it subconsciously.

By: A
by: yuh   

You are so right. There is literally one Indian pledge and zero actives in all of the big 4 at UNC. That's horrible! Low-key the Big 4 may just have some negative conceptions towards minorities.

By: yuh
by: ???   

what frat you in big fella? there's barely any Indian people in greek life here

By: ???
by: Huh   

Color has nothing to do with getting a bid. Keep telling yourself otherwise but it doesn’t make your nonsense true. Beta president is Indian. Beta president a few years ago was also a Poc. Etc etc etc- again give me numbers on all these POC that go without bids.

By: Huh


By: Yeah

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NPHC needs more diversity

By: RealTalk
by: Agreed   

Yes, NPHC definitely needs more diversity within their org., since they are always the ones that complain about diversity in IFC/NPC when their own orgs are not even diversified.

By: Agreed

There are a bunch of black kids in Pi Lam and Sig chi though

By: Mr. Guiskewitz
by: Lol   

That’s because they can afford their dues. Plus There is only 2 black dudes in sig chi

By: Lol
by: Truth   

Well pi lam dues are basically nothing that’s why

By: Truth

tbh if you're a minority you probably won't enjoy the lowkey racism found in big 4. you'd probably enjoy yourself in the frats right outside of big 4

By: diversity
by: Truth   

And this isn’t okay. It’s 2019. Racism should die with this generation.

By: Truth

Beta’s president is black...

By: So
by: lmao   

You ever heard of tokenism?

By: lmao

How many whites are there in our black fraternities? Why don't you start there? Ever think the same reasons apply?

By: Truth

Get it over it because it will not change in this lifetime. I am glad too. Love great Southern traditions.

By: truth

Stop it . The beta Indian you refer to is the president of beta and beta had a poc as president a few years back as well. If you want to stir the pot do it with hard facts. How many poc actually rush the big 4? I’m sure you don’t know bc you probably aren’t involved in Greek life.

By: Stfu
by: Duh   

Big 4 rush is almost entirely invite only based on connections, barely any poc get the opportunity…

By: Duh
by: Huh   

Not true- I got 2 big 4 bids with no invite and no connections- stop trying to make everything about race!

By: Huh

this is North Carolina....

By: bro

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