
each fraternity


Can someone give me a short description of each fraternity and a "stereotypical" member? Thanks

Posted By: Mike
Page 1 of 1

There are over 20 fraternities and no matter who makes that list for you, there is going to be incredible bias. If you're really so interested, just meet the guys from different fraternities during rush and maybe use the tier lists found on this website to roughly base your decision.

Rough and quick tier list:

Tier 1 A: DKE, Beta, Phi Delt
Tier 1 B: Phi Gam, SAE, Chi Phi

All of the above mix with the top sororities and have a good selection of top sorority girls at all of their parties. DKE, Chi Phi, and Phi Gam are more similar to each other and Beta, SAE, and Phi Delt are more similar to each other.

Tier 2: Sigma Chi, ATO, Kappa Sig

Tier 3: PiKA, Sig Nu, Zete, Chi Psi

Tier 4 and below, I really have no idea.

By: Uhh

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by: For whatever    

it's worth, Pi Kapp should probably be in tier 3 if you're going to include Zeta and Sigma Nu.

By: For whatever

What differentiates the DKE/Chi Phi/Phi Gam "guy" from the Beta/SAE/Phi Delt guy?

By: @Uhh

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