
rush competitiveness

by: Rushee

For a mid to high tier frat such as PiKa, Sig Chi, Kappa Sig, ATO or Chi Psi (just for the sake of example) how competitive is rush? Is it hard to get a bid without knowing someone?

Posted By: Rushee
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#1  by: Uhh   

Any of those would be relatively easy to get a bid to without knowing anyone. Out of those, Kappa Sig and Sig Chi might be the hardest but as long as you don't make a fool of yourself and can talk to people, you'll probably get a bid.

Competitiveness really starts and ends with Phi Delt, Beta, Phi Gam, SAE, DKE, and Chi Phi.

By: Uhh
by: ?Jul 30, 2013 1:27:11 PM

Are Phi Delt, Beta, Phi Gam, SAE, DKE, and Chi Phi all out of the question if you don't know somebody? I'm from the rural west NC and will barely know anyone at UNC, let alone i the Frat System.

By: ?
by: @?Jul 30, 2013 2:47:39 PM

No, you can definitely get a bid from any of those without knowing anyone prior to rush. You're just going to have to make a good first impression at the houses and introduce yourself so that you can get invited to other rush events.

By: @?
#2  by: If   

you can pay dues and you have a pulse, Chi Psi should be well within your reach. For the others, you'll probably need to show at least moderately strong social skills.

By: If
#3  by: rush   

go to cool sounding rush events, meet people, dont be shy, and youll have a couple bids to choose from

By: rush
#4  by: well   

chi psi doesnt fall into the mid to high tier "frat"

By: well
by: ZJul 30, 2013 10:11:34 AM

Chi Psi is probably the 13th or 14th best house on campus. That's not middle, let alone high.

By: Z
#5  by: rushee   

I am also rushing in the fall and I was wondering, what makes Chi Psi so low tier, all I really have seen is a picture of their house, and it looks quite nice. Do they just not do much?

By: rushee
by: RusheeJul 30, 2013 7:07:00 PM

I was wondering the same thing. It seems like a lot of people bash chi psi. When I got accepted last spring a couple of my friends from high school who are in chi psi invited me to a pregame they were having and most of the guys seemed cool and the house was really nice. Do people just not respect them because the pledging is easy? Did i just happen to go on the one night they were having stuff?

By: Rushee
#6  by: specific   

Anything specific about their faults, everything said sounds so vague

By: specific
by: To Echo...Jul 30, 2013 11:57:46 PM

To echo the guy above me, a nice house is good but it's only as good as you make it. These guys have an awesome house and an awesome property overall. BUT, and huge BUT, they never do anything socially and thus completely waste it. This is probably because most of them (not all, but most) are socially awkward to begin with.

In contrast, places like Chi Phi, SAE, and even Pika have mediocre houses, but are about 10x better than Chi Psi because they're fun guys. There's a lot more to this than property.

By: To Echo...
by: uhhJul 31, 2013 12:12:10 AM

did you really just lump pika in with sae/chiphi?

sae/chi phi are leaps and bounds ahead of pika in both terms of house and guys.

saes house is a bit small, but nice. chi phis house is pretty big, but a bit run down. both have cool guys.

pikas house is small and run down and the guys are lame.

By: uhh
#7  by: Off topic   

Keep in mind this kid asked for rush competitiveness , not for you all to bash each others frats

By: Off topic
#8  by: yea   

Chi phi has pretty much always been top tier. SAE has been rising over the years and has become a great fraternity.

By: yea
#9  by: rushee   

So do you pretty much won't see anyone getting cut from rush unless they do something stupid and are chill?

By: rushee
by: ZAug 1, 2013 7:54:20 AM

For the most part, if you're chill and don't scare people off, there's probably a home for you in the middle tier. Realize though that individual houses are going to have different needs and selectivity may vary accordingly. A place that added 20 new members last year can afford to be more selective than a place that added 6.

By: Z
#10  by: Dont    

You should check out Delta Upsilon. Great group of bros.

By: Dont
by: lolSep 3, 2013 11:47:00 PM


By: lol

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