
kappa delta discussion


Kappa Delta sorority chapter comments at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Posted By: GR Administrator
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everyone knows they are not in the top 10 any more. So let them keep fooling themselves

By: Well

KD is saying that one girl is writing allll of these negative things about them! So sad.

By: some

to some below. You must be the one girl.

By: gotcha

that really makes you sound so desperate.

By: @ gotcha

the legacy thing was 3 girls being stupid and all got kicked out of the house for a year for it. It wasn't everyone there, and the 15's had nothing to do with it. I'm a freshman girl in a different house but have alot of friends in KD and theyre great girls. they dont deserve being hated so much for something the older girls did and they didnt even know happened when they chose to be in the house

By: legacys

One is blaming anything on the freshman. They way your sisters behave is a reflection on your entire house and those girls should have thought about that before their discraceful behavior. They made the whole house look bad. I don't care if it was 1, 3 or 50 it was KD's who did it and also the KD's reputation that suffered. They should all have known it was not O.K to act like that but for some reasons the standard in the house did not dictate that is was WRONG. and that is why it happened. Sorry no excuses. Although it is good that someone is actually admitting something happened for a change.

By: No

you take the energy you are putting into these negative comments and invest it in doing something good and productive, not being hateful and judgmental. i am a kd 15 at u of i, and i'm proud of it because i have met some amazing sisters that care about each other and their house. if bashing a sorority that someone else has pledged the rest of their life to sounds like a successful way to spend your time, then so be it. but just know that your words are nothing but petty and in-genuine. please think twice before you decide to comment negatively on any sorority, and consider who you may be hurting in the meantime. whatever happened to greek unity?

By: how about

i'm a kd at a different college, but i came to this site because i have friends at u of i & was curious to see how we were viewed here...and all i can say is WOW you all are seriously PATHETIC. people actually come on this website almost EVERY SINGLE DAY to rank kd down? petty, catty, and vindictive. and god forbid somebody say something nice about them. idk what the "legacy" thing people keep talking about is, but it seems to me like kd is a top sorority that made one mistake & everyone is going to keep harping on about it to make their own sororities look better by comparison. nice try. you all seriously need better things to do.

By: kaydee

We know you are really a KD from U of I....Nice try

By: Once again

Top Sorority. Try Again

By: @ Kaydee

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