
Wait sorry LOL pls don’t be mad at me

by: Hey

Sorry but just wondering what you’d say is the order when it comes to tri delt, axo, gphi, or kd? I’ll be going to UIUC this fall and everyone is saying different things here

Posted By: Hey
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#1  by: UIUC Greek    

AXO, KD, TriDelt, GPHI

This is pretty obvious. Do your own research and you’ll find this is accurate. Some would say DG is still top and Theta will drop lower this year. Don’t discount any of the above houses. All good for a variety of reasons.

By: UIUC Greek
by: RealisticJul 25, 2024 7:58:13 PM

Only a DG would say they're still top tier lol and I think they will drop even further this Fall...

By: Realistic
#2  by: all great houses   

GPhi, TriDelt, KD, AXO

By: all great houses
by: HonestJul 25, 2024 1:54:14 AM

First accurate one of this whole site from someone that actually goes to UIUC

By: Honest
by: LOLJul 25, 2024 6:53:19 AM

This is actually in opposite order. GPHI is the bottom of these four houses……Comment brought to you by a GPHI who has spent their summer hating on AXO. 😂

by: Nah, nah, nah Jul 26, 2024 8:13:02 AM

I don't know when GPhi started to think they are top 3-4 and better than AXO, KD, and Tridelt, but they are not....So silly. All four of these are great houses at UIUC, but come on, Gphi, stop putting yourself on top. You haven't had a great rush in at least two years and your bashing of other houses (AXO, KD, Theta) has been insane this summer to create the impression that you are Top. No one thinks of you that way except your own house....

By: Nah, nah, nah
#3  by: Honestly    

All interchangeable. All 4 are greats houses with their own pros and cons. Just depends where you fit in best

By: Honestly
#4  by: idk lol   

I’ve always viewed it like
(i’m none of them, but they’re all amazing houses and similar ranks imo)

By: idk lol
#5  by: idk lol   

I’ve always viewed it like
(i’m none of them, but they’re all amazing houses and similar ranks imo)

By: idk lol
#6  by: Realistic   

GPhi, AXO, Tridelt, KD. But honestly its interchangeable. They're all top tier houses

By: Realistic
by: yesJul 25, 2024 11:37:15 PM

I agree with your ranking and the fact that’s it’s all interchangeable. Honestly, same crowd with the girls too. Much sweeter group than Theta/DG for example lol

By: yes
by: trueJul 28, 2024 7:51:23 PM

True but it depends on each class as well

ex: AXO 26s/25s > 27s and Tri Delt 27s/25s> 26s

By: true

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